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The report for the celebration on World Cerebral Palsy Day 2021.
Theme #Millions Of Reasons

World Cerebral Palsy Day was celebrated by the Department of Neuro Physiotherapy, School of Physiotherapy on October 6th2020. The day was celebrated with a message that people around the world to come together to celebrate and support those living with CP, embrace diversity and to help create a more accessible future for everyone. The physiotherapy students were explained the importance of integration of function, family, fitness, friends, fun and future in their rehabilitation. Because every person living with cerebral palsy is a reason to strive for change The. message imparted by the organizers was well conveyed to audience. The children with cerebral palsy were motivated to show their talents in reciting poems, singing and dancing.

The event was attended by Dr. AmrutaNerurkar, HOD, Department of Neuro Physiotherapy and Dr. RishabhSharan, Asst.Prof, postgraduate, undergraduate students, interns and patients attending the Neurophysiotherapy OPD.