At D.Y.Patil School of Physiotherapy we undertake interactive teaching which is all about instructing the students in a way that they are actively involved with their learning process. There are different ways to create an involvement like this. Most of the time it’s through classroom interactions which includes teacher-student interaction or student-student interaction, the use of audio-visual tools like videos, PowerPoint presentations; bed side teaching in clinical postings including hands-on demonstrations and exercises, assignments and community related activities leading the students into active participation.

Students learn through their participation in the attainment of knowledge by gathering information and processing it by solving problems and articulating what they have discovered. Each activity below provides students with opportunities to deepen their learning by applying concepts and articulating new knowledge and many of these activities also provide the instructor feedback about the student’s learning.

Practical training to students is imparted where students get hands on training under the expert faculty of D.Y.Patil School of Physiotherapy. Students expand their horizons of therapeutic and rehabilitative concepts through involvement in community-based rehabilitation programs and other "extension" activities.Students participate in various Physiotherapy camps, community activities and rehabilitation projects. Students also immensely benefit from observational and educational visits organized to Schools for Disabled, NGO Projects and Rehabilitation Homes in the State.

Curricular: The students are trained in basic as well as advanced Physiotherapy techniques in various specialties that include Intensive and Critical Care units, Cardio-Respiratory & vascular, Neurology, Orthopaedic, Manual therapy, Sports, Yoga, Pediatrics, Women’s Health & Community Based Rehabilitation & Palliative Care.We believe more in Interactive learning rather than didactic lectures. Patient bed side teaching & Problem based learning, Peer Assisted Learning; Group discussions are essential components of learning.

Co-curricular activities: Integrated seminars, guest lectures and workshop are regularly organized and conducted for all the students on various occasions and students are motivated to participate actively in these activities

Extra-curricular activities: Students are involved in various co-curricular and extra- curricular activities such as visits to various handicapped & geriatric (old age home) centres and industrial visits, awareness camps. Students also conduct Physiotherapy awareness programs through Role plays, Tele-Rehabilitation through zoom to reach maximum members of the public. Students are encouraged and motivated to participate in various sports & cultural activities at our Institute as well as at the district and state level. They are provided with all the facilities and training.The under graduates & post graduates have been getting good placements not only in Maharashtra but at various Institutes & hospitals at National & International levels.

The teaching – learning activities that we promote at D.Y.Patil School of Physiotherapy are -
Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning
Case studies are scenarios that apply concepts learned in class to a “real-life” situation. They are usually presented in narrative form and often involve problem-solving, links to course readings or source materials, and discussions by groups of students, or the entire class. Usually, case studies are most effective if they are presented sequentially, so that students receive additional information as the case unfolds, and can continue to analyse or critique the situation/problem.

Guiding questions lead students through the activity. The questions should be designed to develop student’s critical thinking by asking students to distinguish between fact and assumptions, and critically analyse both, the process they take in solving the case study, as well as the solution itself.

Engaging in collaborative discourse and argumentation enhances student’s conceptual understandings and refines their reasoning abilities. Stage a debate exploiting an arguable divide in the day’s materials. Give teams time to prepare, and then put them into argument with a team focused on representing an opposing viewpoint. Advantages include practice in using the language of the discipline and crafting evidence-based reasoning in their arguments.

Interactive Demonstrations
Interactive demonstrations can be used in lectures to demonstrate the application of a concept, a skill, or to act out a process. The exercise should not be passive; you should plan and structure your demonstration to incorporate opportunities for students to reflect and analyze the process.