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Research Projects

Sr.NoName of the student Research Project
1 Abhishek Mandlik Association of Mental Toughness with Physical Performance in Football Players
2 Anerao Anvesha Pramod Short-term effects of cervical spine mobilization versus combined effects of cervical spine mobilization & thoracic spine thrust manipulation in patients having neck pain with mobility deficit
3 Anvikar Aditya Sanjeev 2D Motion Analysis of Trunk and Knee Flexion Angles in Recreational Cyclists with Bike Fit and Non Bike Fit
4 Bobade Madhura Anil - Shaila Effect of dental implant surgeries on hand muscle strength & joint position sense in dental implant surgeons
5 Datar Sanjana Arun Effect of Aerobic Training with Virtual Reality on Cognitive Flexibility in Young Adult Females
6 Jain Janvi Hasmukh Effect of Reaction Ball Drills on Hand-Eye Coordination and Reaction Time in Female Cricket Players
7 Jain Preksha Ramesh Correlation between Throwing Accuracy and Upper Extremity Joint Position Sense in Cricketers
8 Jalgaonkar Gufran Irfan Identification of Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury in Kabaddi Players using Modified Landing Error Scoring System (MLESS)
9 John Natasha Owen Comparison of Physical parameters, activity levels fatigue & Anorexia in Rheumatoid arthritis patients with age & gender matched controls
10 Kale Ankita Anil Effect of Bosu Ball Exercises and Dynamic balance on Ankle Instability in Cricket Fast Bowlers
11 Kazi Samar Saadat - Farheen Association of Risk Factors with Neurodevelopmental outcomes in Pre -Term and Full -Term Infants
12 Khandekar Ketaki Sharad Correlation of Navicular Drop and Foot Posture Index with Static and Dynamic balance in patients having Rheumatoid Arthritis
13 Kritika Sinha Estimating & obtaining predictive equation for VO2 max from pacer test in adults in 26-50 years.
14 Lunagariya Palak Rasikbhai The Jebson Taylor Hand function Test & Purdue Pegboard Test as a manual dexterity performance measure in stroke patients & healthy controls
15 Mamotra Karan Hiten Effect of music-based interventions on balance function and apathy in individuals with parkinson’s disease.
16 Menon Shabarish Sunil Immediate Effect of Virtual Reality Intervention on Task Related Neck Pain and Muscle Fatigue in Dentists
17 Mestry Shweta Vithal Comparison of added effect of thoracic mobility exercise to improve hand grip strength in subjects with chronic mechanical neck pain
18 Mhaske Prachi Prabhakar Immediate Effect of Buteyko Breathing versus Deep Breathing Exercise on MMDQ and SFMPQ in Females with Primary Dysmenorrhea - RCT
19 Murkute Nikita Narayan Identification of significant risk factors for developmental delay in children up to 3 years : A case- control study.
21 Pande Mayanka Parag Effect of Theraband Strengthening on Hip Abductors, Adductor, Flexors and Plantar Flexors in Footballers with Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
22 Patel Dhruvi Study on correlation of maximal oxygen consumption in 6 minute walk test in normal, overweight & preobese young adults
23 Poojary Sushant Suresh Efficacy of Advance Thrower’s Ten Program in Fast Bowlers - A Randomized Control Trial
24 Potnis Sejal Shashank Formulating a Predictive Equation for 6 Minute Walk Test to Estimate VO2max in Healthy Adults in the Age Group of 26 to 50 Years
25 Rai Vithika Subramanya Determining the Effects of Executive Function Training in Addition to Balance Training on Balance Functions in Individuals with Post Stroke Hemiparesis
26 Rao Niraj Ajay Skeletal Muscle Strength and Quality of Life in Patients Recovered from SARS CoV -2 Infection
27 Sahejleen Kaur Guglani Correlation of core stability & functional movement screen test score with sports performance in badminton players
28 Savla Rushabh Nitin Effects of Barefoot training program on balance & agility in cricket players
29 Shingala Shivani Dhirajlal Effects of plyometric training on reactive strength index and agility in basketball players.
30 Shirley Jayaprakash Effect of tele-rehabilitation mediated physical exercise intervention on physical performance and cognitive function in older adults.
31 Shivdasani Roma Manoj -Sharmila Effect of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization in Management of Patients having Neck Pain with Mobility Deficits.
32 Sutar Shardul Suryakant Development of a novel agility test for badminton players and assessment of its validity and test-retest reliability.
33 Vayeda Parita Gopalbhai Immediate Effects of Kinesiology Taping on Static and Dynamic Balance Following Quadriceps Muscle Fatigue in Footballers.
34 Worlikar Apurva Nitin Comparative study of Audio Vs Audio Visual Stimulus During Treadmill Running.