Student Acheivements


Sr No Name of the Student Description
1 Sakshi Salunkhe Maharashtra police international marathon was held on 9th February 2020.
This marathon was an international level sporting event; this has been one of the objectives set out by the Prime Minister of India
2 Benita Benny & Chinmay Gaikwad Our students from 2nd BPT- Benita Benny and Chinmay Gaikwad, participated and won 1st place in a poster making competition organised by Apollo Hospital, Navi Mumbai, on the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day on 9th September 2019.
Theme : "Chronic pain"
Description of artwork: Chronic pain here is symbolized as a cactus plant. Inside the leaves of the cactus is shown the causes, affected pars and the chronic pain model. The girl is shown locked up to the plant symbolizes the person experiencing chronic pain .This lock of chronic pain can only be opened by 3 main keys of Physiotherapy as shown i.e. Patient education, patient empowerment and promoting exercise and these keys can be opened following the steps which are shown to work with pain in order to relieve pain.
3 Hesha Kagrana SIMBA PCOS Moderator
At first when this course was announced I dint know what it actually meant. We had our first introductory session on the 3 rd of September 2021. We were explained about the course by Moderators from Birmingham University also were shared a google drive with stimulated cases. 6 sessions took place where we became moderators and trainees alternatively. While we were trainees we learnt how to assess a particular case, the trainees asked questions to the moderators regarding the patients demographic details, examination and investigation and came to a suitable diagnosis. On the other hand a moderator was supposed to moderate the entire case and help the trainee come to the right diagnosis. I qualified during all training rounds and on the 18th of September we had our final session wherein every moderator was assigned 2 trainees, I was one of the moderators.
We discussed approximately 3-4 cases each. This session really helped me to look into different aspects while assessing a particular case. It also taught me about how to conclude to a suitable diagnosis and give advices regarding the same.