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The Way Forward :
The School of Physiotherapy, D Y Patil University has been functioning enthusiastically for several years and has grown in quality and strength consistently over the years.
The Institute has fledged into a multidimensional organization undertaking and excelling in several Academic endeavors, Research activities, Clinical work and has adapted to the needs of the time in innovative ways.
Having served as an agent of education, health care delivery and an experimental ground for quality research in areas such as Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Neurophysiotherapy, Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy and Intensive Care, Physiotherapy in Community health spanning the expanse of Women and childcare, Geriatric care, Fitness, Industrial health and Sports Physiotherapy, The School of Physiotherapy is empowered and equipped to discover new horizons in the coming years.
With the PhD programs already in place, the Institute looks to venture into Skill development courses related to areas of special expertise, Fellowship programs for an extensive and deep engagement and rigorous training in a certain therapeutic philosophy and Collaborative research with other institutes and organizations.
The Institute also plans to put in place the Choice Based Credit System while revamping the Academic Curriculum to nurture the learners in a more robust manner in the mandatory subjects as well as to provide them deeper insight into the subjects of their choice.
The Institute has been very active during the pandemic times in delivering services in the Covid ICUs and in the Post Covid rehabilitation facilities and has also designed fitness programs to address the challenge of Long Covid. The staff of Physiotherapy discovered new ways of engaging with patients, relatives and students through online academic sessions, webinars and Telerehabilitation sessions during these times. This experience has indirectly ignited a sense of passion among the staff and students to innovate further and find solutions by appreciating the merits of the available resources. These can also serve as guidelines for the journey ahead.
Gathering inspiration from the experience of several years of concerted teamwork, the School of Physiotherapy aims to uphold and enhance its service to the society through as many noble undertakings as possible.