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Research Output

Research output is an outcome of research and can take many forms.School of Physiotherapy encourages good quality and authentic research work amongst the students and its faculty. It also concentrates on how successfully to demonstrate the contributed research and its conclusion or resultin some form of an output from the work.
The following are some examples of research outputs which are motivated by School of Physiotherapy.

1) Papers Publications: Publishing a paper or poster,a series of disseminated documents that convey and test new ideas to the wider scientific community. These have the rigour of `peer review and are the `gold standard' of research.
2) Talks/seminars/ Conference/Webinars: an `open' forum of communication that can be used to air new ideas and discuss them amongst your peers/members of the scientific community.
3) Books/book chapters: : a digest of good ideas that can be more in-depth than one-off papers and can be targeted towards different audiences.
4) Outreach/public engagement and awareness programmes:: conveying why your science is important, how it helps society and inspiring the next generation is very important for the health of the scientific community.
5) Evidence based practices : - by incorporating the research ideas and its results in actual clinical practice.
6) Patents: these are the commercial/technological outputs of the work that aim towards a competitive advantage for you.
7) PhD: A PhD is a training programme in the scientific method will help the faculty develop their career paths.

These are some of the research output methods focused by School of Physiotherapy to improve the potential of researcher.