Graduate Attributes

Graduate attributes are the qualities, skills and understandings a university community agrees its students should develop during their time with the institution. It is also described as the skills, abilities, knowledge and attitudes students develop during their studies at university (Barrie 2007). These attributes include but go beyond the disciplinary expertise or technical knowledge that has traditionally formed the core of most university courses. They are qualities that also prepare graduates as agents of social good in an unknown future. (Bowden et al, 2000) A student graduating from D.Y. Patil University, School of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai, should attain the following attributes:

1. Dynamic professionalism: Abide by professional codes of conduct, demonstrate high personal standards of behaviour, be considerate, trustworthy and honest, act with integrity. Apply effective strategies to maintain their own physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being. Should be able to apply profession-specific knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes in implementation of evidence-based protocols for optimal outcome.

2. Exemplary leadership: Focuses on the qualities required to effectively manage a career, as a practitioner or academician, work effectively within a system aiming at quality improvement, fostering a spirit of team-building.

3. Effective communication skills: Communicates effectively and humanely with all stakeholders, their families, colleagues, though a variety of means, gathers and conveys information respectfully, in a culturally acceptable and dignified manner.

4. Scholarly attitude: Demonstrates a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, strives to maintain professional competence. Committed to learn, disseminate, apply and translate knowledge

5. Critical thinking: Will develop a habit of inquiry, use the knowledge gained for dealing with complex situations foster an ambience conducive for effective learning with constructive criticism, exercise critical judgement in evaluating sources of information.

6. Zest for research: Develop intellectual curiosity and embark upon opportunities to develop research capabilities. Imbibe the basic principles of research methodology and engage in ethic research.

7. Social commitment: Inculcate values of self-awareness, empathy, mutual respect. Understand our obligation to society and foster an ability to work in a diverse cultural setting. Understand how one’s actions can enhance the well-being of others.

8. Global competencies: Team- building, communication, self-management, collaborative working, openness and respect for a range of perspectives.

9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the Physiotherapy practice.

11. Learning and personal development: An openness to, and an interest in, life-long learning through directed and self-directed study; An awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses, A capacity for self-reflection, self-discovery and personal development.

12. Specialist knowledge of a field of study: Comprehensive specialist knowledge of a field of study and defined professional skills ensuring work readiness.