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Research is the foundation of knowledge that builds state -of -the -art research facilities, promotes good quality research publications, develops collaborations and disseminate this knowledge to the community. Taking these into considerations, following Research Policy is implemented in School of physiotherapy.


The purpose of the Research Policy is to create a vibrant atmosphere of research among faculty, undergraduate and post graduate students and Research scholars in School of physiotherapy. The policy shall serve as an overall framework within which research activities may be carried out.


• To create a Research enabling environment in order to inculcate a research culture as well as provide required support through research framework and guidelines.
• To give effective support system to facilitate faculty and researchers in their research activities.
• Ensure publications in quality journals like UGC approved journals/ indexed in Scopus/Web of Science/PubMed index/Indian citation index and/or with impact factor.
• To undertake socially useful research for promotion of health.
• Establish Research Center of Excellence.
• Forge interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships Nationally and Globally.
• Student Research - To enhance quality research output, student mentorship shall be facilitated to encourage undergraduate/postgraduate/Ph.D. scholar students to pursue research activities leading to tangible output.

In charge: Research committee Chairperson

The implementation and updating of Research Policy shall be carried out by the Chairperson of the Research Committee. The Research Committee shall assist and advice in matters related to research. Periodic review of research output shall be carried out by the research committee

Policy and Guidelines

1. Undertaking research: Faculty members of D.Y.Patil University and research departments are expected to undertake research, leading to quality publications, presentations in National/International conferences of repute, generation of Intellectual property with potential for commercialization, socially useful outcome and other similar research activity.

2. Obligations of faculty and researchers (including post graduate researchers):

Research output will be considered one of the criteria for faculty recruitment and promotion along with other academic responsibilities. It is expected that each member involved in research – faculty, researchers and postgraduate researchers - will adhere to highest ethical standards of conduct. Highest ethical standards of conduct include data integrity, adhering to ethical guidelines, given from time to time, for carrying out research. Each faculty member and researcher shall follow academic honesty in his/her research work. Faculty and researchers shall be careful not to fall prey to academic dishonesty. A disciplinary committee, on instruction of Vice-Chancellor, shall be formed in order to carry out inquiry when academic dishonesty is reported against an individual/group. Suitable disciplinary action may be initiated, if found guilty, against such individual/group

3. Recruitment and Promotion:

D.Y.Patil University shall recruit such faculty members and researchers who have demonstrable/demonstrated capability in research. Faculty promotion may significantly depend on research undertaken. The quality of research output, especially research publications, may be assessed on the established yardsticks such as Impact Factor (IF) and which will be revised from time-to-time as appropriate


4. Research Management:

Overall management of research activities may be coordinated by Director of Research (CIDR) under direct supervision of Vice Chancellor. Research advisory body and administrative committee shall be responsible for overall functioning of research activities within the University. Each Institution research activities will be coordinated by HOI or the nominations from each Institute.

Ethical policy: The basic responsibility of an EC is to ensure a competent review of all ethical aspects of the project proposals received and execute the same free from any bias and influence that could affect their objectivity. EC should provide advice to the researchers on all aspects of welfare and safety of the research participants after ensuring the scientific soundness of the proposed research through appropriate Scientific Review by the research Committee.

The basic responsibility of an EC is to ensure a competent review of all ethical aspects of the project proposals received and execute the same free from any bias and influence that could affect their objectivity. EC should provide advice to the researchers on all aspects of welfare and safety of the research participants after ensuring the scientific soundness of the proposed research through appropriate Scientific Review Committees.

Quality of publications:

The Researchers are encouraged to publish in UGC approved journals, Web of science, Scopus (Elsevier), PubMed index.
Research work carried out in D.Y.Patil University has resulted in renowned journal publications with high impact factors which are indexed in the above data bases.
The impact factor of the journal provided by Journal Citation Reports (JCR) by Thomson Reuters decides quality of publications.