The department of Sports physiotherapy is well equipped to assess various health related components of fitness testing and training. The equipments for strength measurements like Push pull dynamometer, Jamar hand dynamometer which is gold standard in grip strength measurements. The versatile hand held dynamometer from Lafayette Muscle tester system which can give peak and average force generated.
The various colour coded therabands, therabars, theratubes are used for strength and endurance training of muscles.
The Theraband station comprises of the various bands and tubes which are used for strengthening upper and lower extremity including spine.
The flexibility testing equipments like sit and reach box from Baseline. The Balance training devices like BOSU ball, stability trainer, Balance disc and trampoline are stability testing and treatment equipments.
The sports physiotherapy lab has variety of tapes including rigid and kinesiotapes for treatment of sports injuries.
The cones are used for testing on field testing and training. The Bushnell gun is used to measure speed of bowling etc. The varieties of medicine balls are used to train upper extremity plyometrics. The Mastercare back is used for low back pain rehabilitation.
The cardio respiratory endurance can be trained by tread mill and ergo cycle.
The various gadgets are used by under graduate and postgraduate students to train various competencies in sports physiotherapy. These are routinely used for conducting research at undergraduate and postgraduate level. These research studies need necessary research equipments to measure health related components and fitness parameters in sports persons.