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Procedure of Functioning

Scheduled Preventive Maintenance:
The record of Planned Preventive Maintenance should be maintained respective laboratory wise and should conduct scheduled checking of all instruments twice in a year. The log record should include the following information
1. Preventive maintenance date/ due on
2. Remarks with Functional Status
Breakdown Maintenance:
Breakdown Maintenance is a task performed to identify, isolate, and rectify a fault so that the out of order equipment, machine, or system can be restored to an operational condition.
All equipment/instrument in use should be free from any fault or defect and all repair work should be carried out to accepted standards by competent person(s).
1. Record details of the defect(s).
2. Attach label to the faulty equipment(s).
3. Contact Service engineer of manufacturer/supplier/hired agency
4. Ensure that information regarding breakdown is passed to all staff and head of the institution.
All the breakdowns occurring should be maintained by the respective departments/labs.