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Procedure of Committee

1. Representative of Grievances committee shall receive, attend, hear, counsel, and entertain the application relating to the grievances.
2. The Grievance Redressal Committee acknowledges the receipt of each grievance complainant immediately.
3. The grievances with insufficient/incomplete information/without supporting documents shall not be entertained by Grievances committee.
4. Non-accepted applications shall be communicated to the Stakeholder/Students by representative of Grievance committee.
5. On receipt of an acceptable application by grievances addressal committee the representative of grievances committee will scrutinize the application in consultation with head of the department.
6. In consultation with HOD the representative of Grievances committee shall communicate the date, time and venue of the meeting to the stakeholder who have registered their grievances with the help administrative department.
7. Representative of Grievances committee shall present each complaint before the Head of the Institute as per the agenda with all necessary documents given by stakeholder during the meeting.
8. Each member of the Grievance addressal committee shall study the applications /cases sent to them in advance.
9. Applications shall be discussed in the meeting and further line of action shall be decided.
10. The Representative of Grievances committee shall communicate a copy of Order/Decision/Resolution to all the stakeholder whose grievances were mentioned in the agenda.
11. After the decision is finally implemented the same shall be incorporated in the Action Taken Report and submit it to all the members of committee at the next meeting.
12. The HOD and grievance redressal committee shall see the implementation of Order/Decision/Resolution made during the meeting on top priority basis.
13. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the respective grievance redressal committee, then his/her grievance must be referred to Registrar by HOD.
14. The information relating to the proceedings of grievances shall be treated as confidential and can be viewed only by the members of Grievance Redressal Committee, for the purpose of investigation. The register will be treated as confidential and may not be accessed by anyone other than the members of Grievance Redressal Committee.