Outpatient Physiotherapy Services

We offer various physiotherapy outpatient services in musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiopulmonary, and sports-related conditions through outpatient services.

Our physiotherapy faculty consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals with vast experience in patient care, academics, and clinical research in their respective specialties.

Physiotherapy outpatient services are also provided community centers, which includes Burns, Paraplegic Foundation, and the Geriatric Care Center.

The department provides a wide range of services to patients of all ages.


  • Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
  • Adult & Pediatric Neuro physiotherapy
  • Sports Physiotherapy
  • Cardiovascular & Respiratory Physiotherapy
  • Geriatric Physiotherapy
  • Women’s Health

Services offered

  • Ligament Sprains & Muscle strains
  • Spine related conditions
  • Pain management
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pre & Post operative conditions
  • Ante natal and post natal rehab
  • Cardiac & pulmonary rehab
  • Adult and pediatric neurological conditions
  • Geriatric care/fitness & rehab
  • Health promotion- obesity, geriatric, industrial, lifestyle diseases.