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Function of IQAC Committee

• To develop and apply Quality Benchmarks Parameters for Various Academic and Administrative Activities of the Institution
• To facilitate the creation of a Learner-Centric Environment Conducive to Quality Education and Faculty Maturation to Adopt the Required Knowledge and Technology for Participatory& interactive Teaching-Learning Process;
• To collect and analyse the feedback from all Stakeholders to improve and improvise the Quality-Related Institutional procedures;
• To disseminate information on Various Quality Parameters to all Stakeholders;
• To organize inter and intra Institutional Workshops, Seminars on Quality Related Themes and Promotion of Quality
• To fulfil the objective of increasing awareness amongst our fraternity and to enhance & improve quality standards of institute various tasks related to audit/workshops/seminars/faculty development training/increase awareness among all stakeholders/annual report/action taken reports/collaborations with various institutes and to record functioning of IQAC.
• To organize inter and intra institutional programs on quality related themes.
• To document the various programme/activities leading to quality improvement.
• To act as pivotal node for the institution for coordinating quality-related activities like adoption and strengthening of best practices.
• To develop and maintenance records of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality.
• To prepare of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) and timely submission to NAAC.
• The membership of the committee members shall be for a period of two years.
• The IQAC committee shall meet bi annually in the beginning of first and second term of the academic calendar.
• The agenda, minutes and Action Taken Reports are to be documented.
• It is necessary for the members of the IQAC-DYPU-SOP to provide active, constructive and dynamic participation in the committee.