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Duties & Responsibilities of IQAC

• To supervise overall activities of IQAC.
• To discuss & approve the minutes of meeting.
• To Communicate the deliberations & decisions taken during IQAC meeting to the management.
• To approve the SOPs.
• To ensure active participation of all members in meetings/deliberations.
• To co-ordinate activities of IQAC.
• To ensure adherence of IQAC functioning as per SOPs.
• Preparation of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).
• Scheduling of meetings, preparation of the agenda and minutes of the meeting.
• Maintain documents relating to IQAC activities, communication (within the organization) and archival.
• Assist Criteria-coordinators in matters related to IQAC.
• Updating of SOPs as and when required.
• To attend the meetings of IQAC regularly.
• To contribute in preparation of AQAR.
• To contribute actively in academic & administrative audit.
• To actively contribute to all other activities of IQAC.