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Duties and Responsibilities

• It is the Duty of Anti Sexual Harassment Committee to ensure safe educational environment that is free from sexual harassment.
• It is the Duty of Anti Sexual Harassment Committee to provide information to all students about what constitutes sexual harassment and about their responsibility not to sexually harass the girl students.
• It is the Duty of Anti Sexual Harassment Committee to take all reasonable steps (active and preventive in nature) to prevent the harassment occurring. To address any oral/written complaint about: unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors.
• It is the Duty of Anti Sexual Harassment Committee to take Complaints of sexual harassment are handled very sensitively for students under the Sexual Harassment Complaints Resolution Procedures.
• It is the Duty of Anti Sexual Harassment Committee display anti-sexual harassment posters on notice boards in common work areas and Conduct regular awareness raising sessions for all students on sexual harassment issues.