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Duties and Responsibilities

• The School of Physiotherapy offers Anti-Ragging Help, operational round the clock, which could be accessed by students in distress owing to ragging related incidents.
• Any distress message received to the members shall be simultaneously reported to the Head of the Institution, the Warden of the Hostels, the Nodal Officer of the affiliating University, if the incident reported has taken place in an institution affiliated to a University, the concerned District authorities and if so required, the District Magistrate, and the Superintendent of Police, and shall also be web enabled so as to be in the public domain simultaneously for the media and citizens to access it.
• The Head of the institution shall be obliged to act immediately in response to the information received from the Anti-Ragging squad as at sub-clause (b) of this clause.
• The telephone numbers of the Anti-Ragging Helpline and all the important functionaries in every institution Heads of institutions, faculty members, members of the anti-ragging committees and anti- ragging squads, district and sub-divisional authorities and state authorities, Wardens of hostels, and other functionaries or authorities where relevant, shall be widely disseminated for access or to seek help in emergencies.
• The University shall maintain an appropriate data base to be created out of affidavits, affirmed by each student and his/her parents/guardians and stored electronically by the institution; and such database shall also function as a record of ragging complaints received, and the status of the action taken thereon.