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About Committee

School of Physiotherapy follows all norms set by government to ensure an healthy environment at the institution and prevent ragging. The institute has an Anti Ragging Squad which ensures safety of all students by creating awareness and having regular checks in the college. Misconduct of any student either in spoken or written form or any action that has the effect of harming others indulging in undisciplined activities that cause physical or psychological harm or fear or apprehension asking others to do things that they normally will not do and causes a sense of shame or emotional embarrassment .Any act that disrupts others academic activity
Financial extortion or forceful monetary burden on a fresher or any other student any act of physical abuse including sexual, homosexual assaults stripping of clothes, forcing obscene lewd acts and gestures causing physical and mental torture. Any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, posts, public insults to derive sadistic pleasure. Any act that affects the mental health and self confidence of any student with or without intent to derive sadistic pleasure or priority over others