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Undergraduate Program (BAMS)

At the end of course our student shall be able to achieve the following;
• Students are able to identify social, economic, environmental, biologicaland emotional determinants of health in a given case, and take them into account while planning therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive, and primitive measures/strategies according to Ayurvedic principle.
• All the students are able to develop Ayurveda as global health care science by practising it through amalgamation of ancient knowledge with advanced technologies.
• They can efficiently develop understanding and working knowledge of the sophisticated and routine equipment’s and consumables used in healthcare.
They are able to carry out efficient management of all types ofhealth Emergencies after quickly assessing the patient and synthesizing available clinical and Investigational information.
• Students are efficient to keep abreast of the current knowledge and recent advances in the field by self-learning and /or participating in Continuing-Medical-Education Programmes.
• They can organize and manage administrative responsibilities for routineday to day work as well as emergent /urgent situations.
• Students are well trained to Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology, epidemiology and publication.
• They are able to critically analyse relevant published research literatureand use them appropriately to influence practice of Ayurvedic medicine