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Ayurveda Hospital Infrastructure

Sr. No. Name of Department Ward Type No. of Beds
1 Kayachikitsa Female
2 Panchkarma Female
3 Shalytantra Female
4 Shalakyatantra Female
5 Streerog Female 12
6 Balrog - 25
Total number of Beds 152

• Dr. DY PATIL AYURVED HOSPITAL is affiliated to Dr. DY Patil Ayurved College & Research Institute, Nerul.
• The hospital is well established & equipped with 152 beds with special O. T. for Surgery, Gynecology & Ophthalmology with all modern amenities.
• All the data is recorded & Maintained with the help of specialized Software & Computers to reduce consumption of paper thus contributing towards a more bio-friendly environment
• Highly Professional & Well Qualified Nursing & Para Medic Staff is available for serving Patients 24×7.
• General wards & Special rooms are available for all Patients.
• Special Panchakarma Unit deals with various Granthokata & Updated procedures for various Chronic Diseases.
•On a daily basis, approximately. 200 – 220 patients are treated at OPD levels along with minor Procedures.

Various OPDS are as follows :

1. Kayachikitsa
2. Panchakarma
3. Physiotherapy
4. Shalyatantra
5. Streerog & Prasutitantra
6. Kaumarbhrityatantra
7. Netrarog
8. ENT OPD & Dental OPD
9. Swasthavritta OPD

• Well equipped pathology lab with all major instruments are available for service.
• Highly equipped Radiology lab is available with instruments like Digital X-RAY, USG, MRI, CT Scan etc.
• Other equipments are available for service like ECG, STRESS TEST, PFT, EEG, 2D ECHO and all are operated by qualified & trained staff.
• Around 10000 patients are benefited by various medical camps arranged by the hospital in rural & urban areas.
• Special camps like SUVARNAPRASHAN, VASANTIKA WAMAN SHIBIR, SCHOOL HEALTH CHECK-UPS are conducted regularly by Highly qualified Doctors.
• Peripheral OPD at JNPT, Uran.
• Specialized Treatments on SKIN DISORDERS, OBESITY, INFERTILITY etc. are available in the hospital.
• Department of Panchakarma is equipped with all the modern facilities & equipments useful for Panchakarma procedures.
• All the investigations & treatments are carried out at subsidized rates.
• Research work is conducted by various Departments like KAYACHIKITSA, SHALYATANTRA, PANCHAKARMA and SHALAKYATANTRA etc.

Hospital Services Offered

Ayurved is one of the oldest systems of health care which deals elaborately with measures for healthful living & encompasses both preventive and curative aspects towards restoration of a healthful Life. Dr. DY Patil Ayurvedic Hospital established in April 2003, has 152 beds with three well equipped operation theatres. A holistic approach including Yoga and Naturopathy with Physiotherapy is followed. The patients are provided with the medicines prepared in the Pharmacy attached to the hospital. Hospital consists of a total of nine O.P.D.’s i.e. Kayachikitsa, Panchakarma, Shalya-Tanta, Shalakya-Tantra, Stree-roga&Prasuti Tantra, Kaumarbhritya, Swasthyarakshan, Dentistry, Yoga Naturopathy, Physiotherapy.

IPD consists of Special rooms, trained para medical & technical staff. Number of clinical trials are conducted & in process.

Special OPD’s focused on different diseases are run and they follow a disease –specific approach regarding conditions like :-paralysis & Neurological disorder, Cardiac Disease, Rheumatoid arthritis ,Skin diseases, Obesity ,liver disorders, Arthritis, Heart disease, diabetes, Spinal disorders, Ear disease, General OPD Immunological disorder, Pediatric Neurological disorders, Female infertility ,Male infertility and PCOD.

Department wise services in the hospital are as follows:

1) Department of Kayachikitsa

Classical Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures for various chronic disorders, life style disorders like obesity, hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Arthritis. The well equipped department consists of EEG, Stress test, USG, PFT, ECG.

2) Department of Panchakarma

Deals with purification of body by procedures like i) Vaman (indicated for Atrophic Rhinitis, Urticaria, Skin diseases, Acid Peptic disorders, Obesity) ii) Virechan- (indicated for Anemia, Jaundice, Asthma, Diabetes) iii) Basti- (indicated for Paralysis, Constipation, Cervical-Lumbar Spondylosis, Parkinsonism) iv) Nasya- (Indicated for Rhinitis, Hair fall, Migraine),v) Raktmokshan- ( indicated for Urticaria, Eczema, Thyroid gland enlargement, Vertigo), Local Snehan Therapies like – Janubasti, Katibasti, Hriday Basti, Shirobasti, Shirodhara, Navarakidi, Pizichil

3) Department of Shalya Tantra

Classical Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures like Ksharsutra (indicated in Fistula in Ano), Agnikarma (Indicated Arthritis), Jalaukawacharan (indicated specially in Skin diseases) are regularly carried out. Research Projects beneficial for patients are regularly carried out, eg-Management of BPH, Management of PID, Lumber spondylosis, Cervical Spondylosis etc.

4) Arshohar Malahar

Application in 1st & 2nd grade Hemorrhoids, Special Matra Basti treatment for the conservative management of Fissure, Special wound care of non healing ulcers like leprotic wound & diabetic wound by special ointments or oils prepared as per classical texts, Well equipped with advanced instruments like Endoscope, Sigmoidoscope &Laproscope, A number of surgeries for Hernia, Appendicectomy, Hydrocele, Fistula, Hemorrhoids, Fissure are regularly performed.

5) Department of Shalakya Tantra

Ophthalmalogy :-Eye checkup with latest equipment & instrument like motorized chair unit, slit lamp, Refraction with the help of auto – refractometer, vision drum, trial case & trial frame Diagnosis of Glaucoma, Evaluation of retinal disorders with the help of direct & indirect ophthalmoscope, Calculation of IOL power with A-scan biometry &keratomater,Tarpan for refractive error, computer vision syndrome, dry eye syndrome, Virechana for diabetic retinopathy, Nasya for various eye disorders, Extra ocular surgeries like pterygium, DCT, DCR, Squint, Intra ocular surgeries like trabeculectomy, SICS. (Small incision Cataract surgeries), Cataract surgery with latest technique like phaco emulsification with foldable IOLI.

ENT :- Nasal surgeries like septoplasty endoscopic polypectomy, Tonsillectomy, Tympanoplasty etc.

6) Department of Kaumarbhritya

Management of various chronic disorders like Childhood Asthma, Recurrent cough and cold, obesity, Enuresis, Hepatitis, Diarrhea, Well equipped NICU, with sophisticated instruments for treating critically ill neonates with Double surface phototherapy unit.
Suvarna Prashana Camp on every Pushya Nakshtratithi of month.

7) Department of Stree-roga & Prasuti Tantra

For Menstrual Abnormality and Infertility
i) Kalbastikrama
ii) Uttarbasti
iii)Ayurvedic aushadhi.

For ANC patients
i) Garbhasanskar – Concept of Super Baby
ii) Suprajajanana – Quality child
iii) Masanumasikkashay

For Healthy baby Shwetpradar
i) Pichu. Kalka pottalidharan&pichudhran
ii) Yonidhavan
iii)Colposcopy examination for cancer detection
iv) Ayurvedic aushadhi

For sutika patient
i) Staniksnehanswedan( katipradeshi)
ii) Pattabandhan
iv) Garbhashyashodhnartha medicines like latakaranj+ pipmalmulchurna etc.
v) Stanyavrudhi medicines like shatavarikalpa etc.

PMS (Peri menopausal Syndrome ) Treatment.
Department consists of well equipped labour room & labour O.T.

8) Equipment in Hospital

Ksharsutra Section for preparation of Ksharsutra , 300 MA X-Ray machine, 100 MA Portable X- Ray Machine , Pathology laboratory consist of Bio-chemistry Analyzer, Hematology Analyzer, Stress Test, ECG, EEG, 2D-Echo, Doppler, PFT, Sonography, Auto refractometer, Laparoscope, colposcope, Phaco Emulsifier system, operating Microscope, Dental chair, Video laparoscope, Fetal monitor & NST machine, Keratometer, Ophthalmic scanner, Anaesthesia machine, ECT machine, Thermal printer, Multipara monitor, Bedside monitor, Pulse oxymeter with plethysmograph, Defrimonitor recorder.

9) Hospital Highlight

• Digitalized Computer Hospital.
• Regularly organized camps with aim to serve the mankind.
• Treatment served with charitable, Bed charges & Nursing charges rates are affordable.
• Patients are specially coming for Panchakarma, Ksharsutra, Agnikarma, Yoga & Naturopathy, Garbhasanskar (Pre-natal education) for pregnant women, Consultation for diet, Obesity, Paralysis, Skin diseases, Arthritis, Stress management.
• X-ray, sonography, EEG, ECG etc. are available under expert supervision in hospital.
• Physiotherapy section with facilities like traction, SWD, RFT etc. provided under expert physi¬otherapist.
• Ambulance facility available for 24 hrs.
• Special facility for economically backwards patients and senior citizens.patients.
• Yoga therapy for disease free life and for various diseases available guided under expert ‘Yoga’ teacher.
• Regular health checkup camps, diagnostic camps in hospital & peripheral villages are taken.
• Under CME lectures of eminent doctors in their faculty are arranged for nurses, interns & doctors.