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Students Facility


Classrooms with a capacity of 100 students are equipped with state-of –the-art technology, to ensure a complete learning experience. Key elements of the classrooms include furniture designed and arranged to facilitate collaboration, sufficient electrical outlets to provide adequate power supply to charge students’ and teachers’ devices. Classrooms are fitted with white boards and desk podiums with an additional projection screen, ceiling mounted LCD projector to facilitate multi dimensional teaching and learning.


A central air-conditioned audio-visual cum seminar hall equipped with advanced audio-visual gadgets is made available for various academic, curricular, co-curricular and interdepartmental activities. It is equipped with a projection screen and an LCD projector with USB ports.

A library is a treasure-house of knowledge. Libraries are an integral part of the education system and Education system remains incomplete without the library. D.Y.P University School of Ayurveda has one of those libraries which is defined by its well-equipped collection of in numerous Books, National and International Journals. To enhance the Teaching learning process the library is accomplished with special section of rare collection of books to foster quest in students. The library is housed in the second floor of our college building. It is designed to provide comfortable reading accommodation in abundant light, air and pleasant atmosphere with sitting capacity of 100 students, which includes reference / reading section, and circulation section.

Sharir Rachana Department

MUSEUM: There is a bone cutting machine for sectioning body parts .There are 11 cadaver dissection tables, 11 organ dissection tables. 2 mummified bodies are available for the study of surface anatomy. Several whole and dissected viscera have been exhibited for visual understanding. There is infant skeleton in the museum. Preservation of specimens is keenly observed. There is adequate stock of preservative liquids which is maintained from time to time. There is open access to the museum for the students and any person whoever is interested in acquiring knowledge and understanding about the body organs. The Schools in the Periphery are allowed to visit the department.

Department of Kriya Sharir

Department of Kriya Sharir has well equipped laboratory, library with a vast collection of books on various topics with e-library. ICT facility, electronic models and various software making the subject more appealing to the e-generation. To make ease for obtaining knowledge, electronic models on the functioning of the cardiac system, and the cardiac cycle are made by the department. Research oriented practice of laboratory & human experiments are being taken regularly. Discussions and emerging trends regarding correlative study of Kriya Sharir & modern physiology is followed.

Department of DravyagunaVigyan

Department of DravyagunaVigyan encompasses a Herbal Garden for educational and demonstration purpose for arriving at a true and scientific understanding of the herbs and their role in ayurvedic medicine.With a mission to strengthen the Ex situ Conservation activities of Medicinal & Aromatic plants of us and to educate the students, medicinal plants have been maintained in the Herbal garden spread over two acres. Around 291 species of Medicinal plants with 3312 in numbers are nurtured in the garden. Plants of commercial importance too are grown in the Garden. A greenhouse which ensures controlled environment is housed to nurture some rare and endangered species. Spanning around 10,000 sq.ft this Green House unique with a sacred grove of Nakshatravana, RashiVanahas has been developed to understand the significance of plants from times immemorial. The entire garden is beautified by ornamental plants species of plants as well. The herbal garden serves as a reservoir of information of medicinal plants to students, researchers, interdisciplinary faculties and the general public.
Best Practices of the Department
1) Preservation of Medicinal Plants with a theme of Biodiversity has been developed viz.,demo garden-nakshatravana,Rashivana, Complementary Alternative Medicines and folklore medicinal plants.
2) Interdisciplinary Visits of Students, faculties from Various Institutes and Schools
3) Green campus activities -Yearly conduction of Exhibitions,Workshops, Plantation programs of Medicinal Plants.
4) School awareness program to promote early information of Ayurveda in budding minds.
5) Unique herbal trekking and live demonstration of Medicinal Plants -covered western ghats
6) Research studies through projects
7) Seed collections for study

Department of Rognidan and Vikruti Vidnyan

The total floor area of the Department is 1700 sq. ft. which includes faculty cabins for 1 Professor, 2 Associate Professors & 2 Assistant Professors, Lab technicians & Non teaching staff rooms, Departmental Library, Central Pathology & Microbiology Lab, Tutorial room, computer room.
The total area of Central Pathology is 663.44 sq. ft. It is well equipped with all required & essential advanced instruments, equipments and consumables stock. There are 2099 instruments and equipments which fulfill all the requirement of the teaching Lab like Hematology fully automatic cell counter, Biochemistry Analyzer, Monocular Microscopes, Binocular Microscopes, Ophthalmoscope, ECG Machine, Digital Photoelectric Colorimeter, Centrifuge Machine, Autoclave, Hot Air Oven, Microbiological Incubator, Rotary Microtome Machine, Glucometer, Gonimeter, and Serological Water Bath.
There is 3634 glass wares and plastic wares along with various Reagent and Materials in the liquid and powder form in appropriate quantity for hands on training for practicals to students.
Hematology, Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Serology practicals are conducted in the lab which includes major pathological investigations. Plenty of Abnormal Radiological films of X-ray, CT scan, M.R.I. and E.C.G. are available for practical demonstration to the student.
There are availability 0f 40 pathological gross specimens and 100 histopathological slides. Preservation of specimens is keenly observed. There is adequate stock of preservative liquids which is maintained from time to time. There is open access to the museum for the students. It helps the student to learn the pathology in detail.
The departmental library has 120 books including both Ayurvedic and Modern books and research Journals. Along with these books Post Graduation dissertations are also available for reference and guidance.
Department of Rognidan and Vikruti Vidnyan have 126 Charts, 15 models and 14 Photographs for the visual understanding of the subject.
Best Practices of the Department
1) Students are trained in such a way that to become proficient & skillful in the diagnosis techniques by applying Ayurvedic methodology as well as modern technologies.
2) Students are trained in bed side Examinations along with clinical interpretation of modern advanced diagnostic investigations.
3) Faculties are engaged in various research projects to facilitate effective diagnostic tests for prevention and cure of disease.
4) The department organizes seminars and conducts webinars on a monthly basis for post graduate students to enhance their knowledge of the subject.
5) Faculties work in the various committees of the college, thus providing opportunities for the all round growth of the students.
6) The department always endeavors to provide holistic learning experiences in the subject to the under graduate and post graduate students.