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Norms & Standards for Research Proposal

1) The research proposals by P.G. / Ph. D. candidates and teaching faculty should be written in the prescribed format.
2) The proposal should clearly state the objectives, indicate current national and international status, methodology employed, expected results and outcome of the project along with the budget estimate for two years. This format should be strictly followed.
3) The selection of the projects will be based on peer review and presentation of short-listed proposals to Research Advisory Committee if necessary.
4) The budget estimate should provide the details under different heads such as equipment. Consumables/chemicals/reagents/supplies, contingency, travel, books etc.
5) Neither the appointment of staff (Project Assistant/JRF etc) is permissible. However, the hiring of services for completion of a specific task of the project is allowed.
6) Research proposals from young faculty and in collaboration with faculty from within and other departments (intra and interdepartmental) involving interdisciplinary research areas are given preference.
7) On receipt of approval letters, the Principal Investigator/ Department of College should inform the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of their Consent to implement the project and send the Acceptance Certificate.
8) Acceptance Certificate may be sent within one month from the date of issue of approval letter, otherwise it will be within one month from the date of issue of approval letter, otherwise it will be presumed that the Principal Investigator (PI) is not willing to implement the project and the approval will be withdrawn.
9) On receipt of approval letter, the Principal of college/Director of Institute should submit the composition of purchase committee and give assurance regarding disbursement of the amount received (Annexure), along with Acceptance certificate by Principal Investigator.
10) Project once approved is not mutually transferable. The transfer of project to the Co-Investigator will be considered by University provided he/ she fulfils the eligibility criterion.
11) All assets generated out of the fund for the project including equipment, books and journals will become the property of the host institution on completion of the project. However, in case of transfer of the project. assets (or a part of it) generated out of the funds of concerned project, may be transferred to the concerned Institution on request, with prior approval of the University.
12) Prior approval of the institution will not be necessary for publishing the results of the study on the project supported by the University.
13) In all such cases, the investigator should acknowledge the contribution made by the staff appointed for the project and the support received from the University.
14) A bound copy of the final report of work done on the project in book form along with CD/Floppy be submitted to Pune University on completion of the research Project. A copy of the "Final Report" of the work done may be kept in the Library of the respective department and/or the University/College/Institute. Books, Journals and Equipment will come under 'Non- Recurring Items' and Contingency, Research Personnel, Hiring Services, Chemicals and Consumables, Travel and Field work, Special Needs etc. under 'Recurring Items'.
15) The Principal Investigator should submit annual progress report along with the statement of accounts (Annexure-IV) and utilization certificate (Annexure III) at the end of financial year for the release of the subsequent grant


Institute affiliation in the publication must be D Y Patil Deemed to be School of Ayurvedaa. Applicable only for papers published in Science Citation Index (SCI) Journals and journals indexed in PubMed/Scopus/Web of Science/Copernicus.

Faculties are asked to publish joint research papers with experts from other institutions /industries. Support for Plagiarism check and manuscript formatting / development shall be provided as appropriate by the institute.

All faculty are encouraged to publish their research results in the journals indexed in PubMed/Scopus/Web of Science/Copernicus and in the Institute/University journal. Research results to be published as early as possible preferably within 6 months of completions of study and analysis of data. Publication support may be provided by the institute/university as appropriate based on the quality of research work and applicability of research output.

Publication of Post-Graduate Dissertations and Ph.D Thesis All head of departments, post-graduate guides and Ph.D guides are required to ensure that the research results of the dissertation/thesis work is published within 6 months of publication of the dissertation/thesis.