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Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant

1. To nurture and educate students to read, understand and interpret classical texts of Ayurveda
2. To educate students to apply knowledge gained through classical texts into clinical practice
3. To expand horizons of Ayurveda through amalgamation of ancient knowledge with advanced technologies
4. To conduct collaborative research in the field of Ayurveda

Rachana Sharir

Imparting knowledge of Anatomy using maximum aids and tools thereby making it easy and interesting for students. Initiate further research in Rachana sharir through various Research projects. Develop newer techniques for specimen and model preparation, cadaver preservation and museum development.

Kriya Sharir

To ensure understanding of core concepts and propagate them in daily practices for physical ,mental and social well-being of society .

Rognidan & Vikrutividnyan

1. To facilitate effective diagnostic tests for prevention and cure of disease.
2. To enhance the teaching and learning process for UG’s and PG’s in Ayurvedic diagnosis along with modern scientific methods.
3. To promote continuous learning amongst faculty.

Dravyaguna Vigyan

To contribute towards good public health through academic excellence, enrichment of eco-friendly environment and thus, supporting economic viability.

Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana

1. Developing various different dosage forms of Ayurvedic formulations without alteration in the basic fundamentals of product preparation to achieve highest therapeutic efficacy.

Agadtantra, Vyavahar-Ayurved Evum Vidhivaidyak

1. To make the students capable of making observation and conclusions in criminal matters as well as associated medico-legal problems.
2. To create an interest among the students about researches related to toxicology and various medico legal issues.

Swasthavritta and Yoga

1. To create awareness of importance of prevention of disease in society, Through Ayurvedic Healthy life style like Daily Regimen, Yoga and Diet principals.
2. To promote positive health through Swasthavritta and Ashtanga Yoga and cultivate powerful community by Ayurveda.

Prasutitantra And Streerog

1. To implement Standard Operative Procedures (SOP) for various therapeutic procedures related to Prasuti Tantra & Striroga
2. Pre-conceptional care in ayurveda & developing the Ayurvedic perspective of fetal medicine care of fetus before fertilization by preparing, monitoring and treating the couple and developing the treatment protocols to address the fetal pathology to produce a better progeny, which will help in building a better nation through the science of “Garbhasanskar”
3. To promote Garbhini Paricharya (Antenatal care through Ayurveda) through quality teaching and clinical training.
4. Explore Ayurveda treatment modalities for various Gynecological disorders.
5. To validate pharmacotherapy of drugs & formulations related to Prasuti Tantra & Striroga.


Offering all children the best of ayurvedic preventive and curative care in terms of quality, efficacy, and safety.

Kayachikitsa Department

1. To be a role model in Ayurveda Education.
2. To develop excellent Ayurved physicians.
3. To serve as a "Center of Excellence” for Ayurveda
4. To develop good quality patient cares with Ayurvedic approach


1. To promote Panchakarma in order to achieve aim of Ayurveda i.e. Maintenance of health and curing of diseases.
2. To make Panchakarma feasible to practice and deliver.
3. To enhance quality of life.

Shalyatantra Department

1. To train the students in ancient as well as modern surgical procedures, routine ward procedures, handling surgical emergencies etc.
2. To encourage and inspire students for further studies (MS, PhD etc.) and research work.
3. To encourage faculty to get involved in research activities, ROTP, seminars etc.
4. To participate and conduct public health checkup camps and lectures on health topics related to Shalyatantra for general public.

Department of Shalakyatantra.

1. Educating and mentoring the next generation of clinicians, teachers.
2. Leading in the delivery of the highest quality of patient care; informing public policy to the eye care needs of society.
3. To conduct practical confirmation & assessment of theoretical knowledge successfully.
4. To popularize the treatments of Kriyakalpas like Tarpana Aschyotana, Anjana, Bidalaka which are specialty of Netra Roag. Treatment like Nasya, Gandush, Dhoompana, Karnapooran, Shirodhara which form the basis of karna, nasa, mukha roga.