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Research Projects

Sr. No. Name of the Project/ Clinical Trial/ Endowment/ Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/Co Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government /Non-Government etc., ) Funds provided (INR in Lakhs) Status
1 Prospective, Open label, Parallel Arm, Single center Pilot study to assess effect of Swamala consumption on improving immune functions and Quality of Life in healthy human volunteers Dr. Vinay Pawar Solumiks Herbaceuticals Limited, Mumbai Non - Government 724200 Completed
2 A prospective, randomized, observer blind, comparative, parallel, 2-arm study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a Myostaal liniment application as add-on therapy for muscle strengthening in participant suffering from osteoarthritis of knee Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Solumiks Herbaceuticals Limited, Mumbai Non - Government 145000 Ongoing
3 An Open Labeled Single Group Proof of Concept Study to Evaluate the Efficacy & Safety of Myostaal SB Tablets in Participants Suffering with Osteopenia Dr. Mrudul Chitrakar Solumiks Herbaceuticals Limited, Mumbai Non - Government 550880 Completed
4 Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of Tab. AOIM – Z in managing after-effects of COVID – 19 infection – An Open Labelled, Single Arm, Prospective, Exploratory Clinical Study Dr. Vedvati Bhapkar Solumiks Herbaceuticals Limited, Mumbai Non - Government 303200 Ongoing
5 A Randomized, Double blind, Placebo controlled, Multi- centric, Interventional, Prospective Clinical study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Passiflora incarnata (Aerial Parts) Extract in participants with Stress and Insomnia Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit LODAAT PHARMA 1415 West 22nd Street- Tower Floor, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 Non - Government 1 lakh Completed
6 A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo controlled, Multi centric, Comparative, Prospective, Interventional Clinical Study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NC009 Biscuits as an immunity enhancer in healthy individuals Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Britannia Industries Non - Government 2 lakh Ongoing