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Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching is the process of imparting knowledge, instructions and Learning is the acquisition of knowledge, behaviour, skill, values etc. The institution ensures adequate availability and optimal utilization of physical infrastructure as it is critically linked to the institute vision. The institution provides a conducive environment, adequate infrastructure and all necessary facilities for conducting the academic programs and other extra-curricular activities. The institution has adequate facilities for teaching - learning viz. classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.

The institution has 5 class rooms, 1 seminar hall, 06 laboratories and 1041 equipment’s.
The classrooms are provided with 100% ICT enabled facilities i.e. well-equipped with LAN/Wi-Fi facilities, Computers, LCD projector, Podium-cum-PA system, etc. for providing the modern learning experience to the students. Class rooms are engaged as per routine lecture schedule of students. Various seminars on different clinical subjects are conducted in seminar hall by faculty members as well as by guest speakers. The virtual class room is ICT enabled and has an air-conditioned hall frequently used by faculty and students for attending student club activities, orientation programs, web lectures, guest lectures etc.

Theoretical training is provided through regular lectures, presentations, group discussions and well-equipped library. Faculty members are highly encouraged to use power point presentation for delivering lecture through the use of LCD projectors. Institute has well equipped laboratories for the students to do practical and demonstrations which enhance the learning process. Practical demonstrations are given by various specimens & models. Apart from this, various academic field visits and training programs are also arranged. Students are encouraged for group discussions, participation in quiz and essay competition etc. Academic projects are given. Remedial coaching classes are arranged for slow learners.

Learning management system (LMS) software has been uploaded on university website to deliver subject materials to the students. LMS is used to create structured course content. Under LMS, lecture plans of each subject are displayed as per Academic year. In this System, faculties have to upload their lectures on university web site and student can access website anytime through student portal by log in. This website provides discussion forum, questions papers, quiz and assignments etc. for easy learning of students. Thus, teachers and students exploit the most of the online learning process with an LMS making for maximum efficiency.

Clinical learning is learning from a patient under the guidance of a clinician. This facility is available in the hospital. The institution has a well equipped hospital which has a suitable space to accommodate outpatient department and in patient department. In addition to this, Clinical Laboratory ,Radiology section , Pharmacy, Medical record room ,Panchakarma therapy section, Ksharsutra therapy section, Operation theatre ,Labour room, Simulation lab, Store room, separate wards for male and female patients are also available.

In the curriculum, clinical postings of every subject are allocated to the students of third year and fourth year in their daily practice for clinical learning. Students are divided in a batch of twenty and they are posted in each department for a period of one week in rotation. In daily time table, two hours are allotted for clinics during which clinical teaching is done in both OPD and IPD. Students get practical training regarding examination, diagnosis and treatment of patients.

OPD teaching includes clinical examinations like recording pulse and blood pressure, general examination, chest examination, per abdomen examination, neurological examination, locomotor examination, percussion, palpation, demonstration of reflexes etc. Students also learn demonstration of yoga and pranayam, methods of administering vaccination and suvarnaprashan etc. OPDs are well equipped with adequate no of instruments to carry out clinical examination.

IPD teaching includes bed side case taking, various drugs and their dosages as well as their adverse reactions, surgical procedures, neonatal examination etc. Hospital is equipped with separate female and male panchakarma units where students get to learn Panchakarma procedures like preparation of different basti, administration of basti, nasya, different types of swedan etc. Apart from this, pathological investigation like CBC, ESR, urine investigations etc is also taught to students.
Students are also likely to receive their clinical education in rural and civil hospitals during their internship. Throughout the course, the clinical learning is supported by small group seminars, tutorials, discussions and lectures