Main Content


Self-assessment provides feedback regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relevant to quality assurance within the institute. Quality assurance framework within DYPSOA and Hospital, Nerul, Navi Mumbai involves all the administrative, teaching and Hospital services of the institution. It covers aspects of governance to implementation of policies and procedures. The ultimate goal of feedback from stakeholders is to get useful insights for the purpose of improvement in all aspects of teaching, learning, assessment, capacity and health care services.


• To upgrade the performance of the teachers.
• To improve the service given to patients in the hospital.
• To provide means for complete academic development of the students.
• To provide better facilities like teaching aids & equipment by the institution.
• To fulfill the requirement of the necessary number of qualified teaching, non teaching, and paramedical staff by the institution which ultimately affects the teaching learning experiences in the institute and reflects on the overall scoring of points mentioned in the student’s feedback form.
• To improve the availability of advanced equipments & instruments in individual departments.


To manage the reputation of the health care institute, positive feedback is necessary to ensure a continuous flow of patients and retain the trust of the patients and in the highly competitive field of healthcare.


1. Students
2. Parents
3. Alumni
4. Employers
5. Teachers
6. Peers
7. Patients


1) Student’s Feedback:
Student’s feedback is collected on the basis of the following criteria.
• learning value in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge or broadening perspectives of current syllabus
• Syllabus & curricular activities relevant & useful to future clinical Practice
• Applicability/relevance to real life situations
• Emphasis of fundamentals in curricular content
• Extent of coverage of syllabus for a year
• Coverage of modern/advanced topics
• Relevance/learning value of projects/ journals/ field visits/ assignments etc.
• Overall rating on curriculum
• Infrastructure

2) Parent’s Feedback
I. DYPSOA takes the initiative of organizing Parents-Teachers-Students meet (PTM) once annually to make parents and guardians acquainted with the academic and personality growth of their ward.
II. Feedback is collected on the basis of following criteria.
• Approach /Vision towards the B.A.M.S. Course.
• Help sought by the clerical staff.
• How helpful are the teachers in providing proper advice to the students?
• Teachers -parents relationship
• Pre-scheduled calendar of events and their organization
• Availability of recreational facilities
• Satisfaction with the teaching Aids, methods & facilities
Provided to the students.
• Overall reporting about students from the college.
• Usefulness of the courses taught.
• Positive changes in your ward’s approach towards goals of the courses

3) Alumni Feedback
I. The purpose of this feedback is to obtain the inputs from the alumni on the quality of the education at DYPSOA. This helps us to assess the extent of attainment of the programme outcomes.
II. Alumni feedback is collected on the basis of the following criteria
• Usefulness of Learning values in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge or broadening perspectives of current syllabus
• Relevance/learning value of projects/ journals/ field visits/ assignments etc
• Academic content of the year.(Syllabus Completion, quality of Academic contents taught including modern/ advanced topics with practical approach and Basic fundamental)
• Guidance from the subjective teachers to the students.
• Approach towards the B.A.M.S. Course
• Behavior of the clerical staff
• Positive changes in your approach towards goals of the course.

4) Employers Feedback
Employer’s feedback is collected on the basis of following attributes
• Relevance of curriculum for employability.
• Effectiveness of Curriculum in developing innovative thinking.
• Effectiveness of the syllabus in developing skill oriented human resources.
• Whether the employee possesses strong theoretical knowledge, and demonstrates adequate clinical skills.
• Whether the employee is punctual in duties.
• Whether the employee understands institutional vision and mission and works hard to contribute towards achieving them
• Whether the employee updates his knowledge and skills towards patient care.
• Whether he/she functions effectively as an individual and in teams, including diverse and multidisciplinary fields to accomplish a task.
• Whether the employee is aware of ethical and professional responsibilities.
• Whether the employee has a strong motivation to pursue life-long learning.

5) Teacher’s Feedback:
I. The purpose of the feedback is to obtain the teachers input on the overall educational environment prevalent in DYPSOA
II. Teacher’s feedback is collected on the basis of following criteria:
• Syllabus Completion, quality of Academic contents taught including modern/ advanced topics with practical approach and Basic fundamental.
• Learning value in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge or broadening perspectives) of current syllabus
• Interaction with administration.
• Infrastructure facilities in the institute (Library facilities, Computer facilities /internet facilities, Provision & usefulness of teaching aid.)
• Encouragement for Research &Clinical Trials. Provision to attend national /International Seminars, Conferences Workshops, CMEs& Camps.
• Provision to arrange departmental Seminars, Conferences Workshops, CMEs at state /national /international levels.
• Provision for improvement in the department through college & hospital administration.
• Provision for departmental tours /camps/visits.
• Responses elicited from management to good & necessary suggestions made by you.
• Fulfillment of requirements in aid demanded by individual departments
• Contributing to generating interests by management in departmental development, Faculty development.

6) Peer’s Feedback
Peer’s feedback is collected on the basis of the following :
• Academic content of the year, quality of Academic contents taught including modern/ advanced topics with practical approach and Basic fundamental
• Learning value in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge broadening perspectives) of current syllabus
• Encouragement of student’s active participation in the subject in terms of learning value of projects/ journals/ field visits/ assignments etc.
• Effectiveness of Teaching methodologies employed
• Infrastructure facilities in the institute
• Hospital Facilities available
• Overall Administration of Institute

7) Patient’s Feedback
I. Patient’s feedback is necessary and important to deliver the service required in Healthcare. keep the patients flow continuous in this competitive healthcare.
II. Patient’s feedback is collected on the basis of following attributes
• Satisfaction with the Treatment given
• Hospital Facilities And Administration
• Panchakarma Services /Yoga /OT/PT etc.
• Promptness of nursing staff and Panchakarma Therapist in providing ,mandatory services Like dispensing medicine, Panchkarma procedure and other services for ex. lepa application, traction,etc
• Punctuality in Medicine distribution, panchakarma and other procedure
• Awareness about disease & Treatment, course and its benefits during Hospital stay.
• Sanitation / Hygienic provision and cleanliness


Feedback collection can be made either online or offline modes. Online mode includes submission of responses on a dedicated portal while offline submission involves the manual submission of feedback through printed questionnaire provided by institution as per schedule.


Sr. No. Stakeholders Schedule Mode
1 Students After end of first term examination Online/offline
2 Parents Parents-Teachers-Students meet (PTM) once annually Offline
3 Alumni Alumni meet Offline
4 Employers After Recruitment Offline
5 Teachers Annually at the end of academic year Offline
6 Peers Visiting Peers Or Examiners Offline
7 Patients Daily OPD ,and At the time of discharge from IPD patients Offline


The feedback collected manually will be analyzed by assigned faculty and data compiled will be submitted to QAC.


On the basis of the feedback received from various stakeholders, the feedback committee will compile the final observations and the same will be put forth for further action by respective program committee.


On the basis of feedback review and recommendations given by the program committee, the final action is to be taken by the head of the institution.