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Procedure of Internal Complaint Committee


1) The victim should make a formal written complaint to the chairperson of the Internal Complaint Committee/ Vishakha Committee preferably within 15 days from the date of occurrence of the alleged incident. Alternately, the employee can send complaint through an email. The employee is required to disclose her name, department, she is working in, to enable the chairperson to contact her and take the matter forward.

2) The complaint is filed under Internal Complaint Committee/ Vishakha Committee. Chairman of Internal Complaint Committee/ Vishakha Committee starts its investigation procedure. Necessary evidences related to the complaint case are collected. Oral & then written statements are taken from the applicant as well as the alleged offender and the witnesses.

3) The chairperson will proceed to determine whether the allegations made in the complaint fall under the purview of Sexual Harassment. In case the accused is found guilty, committee may recommend appropriate punitive action to be undertaken by the Dean.

4) Punitive action could be in the nature of transfer, termination, slash the remuneration, consideration in annual performance appraisal, and demand for an apology to the victim, or any other. The decision for punishment will be based on the impact of the harassment on the recipient of the same.

5) Efforts must be made to resolve the dispute through counseling. If required, the Institutional management may refer the complainant to a lawyer to lodge a complaint with the concerned police station.

6) Confidentiality will be maintained throughout any investigatory process. All records of complaints, including contents of meetings, results of investigations and other relevant material will be kept confidential except where disclosure is required under disciplinary or other remedial processes
