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Conducted by: School of Ayurveda
Date: 18.05.2023 to 24.05.2023
Venue: Virtual Classroom at School of Ayurveda, D Y Patil deemed to be University, Nerul

Session Organization and Coordination: D Y Patil deemed to be University, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, was pleased to organize a Police Training program under Corporate Social Responsibility to enhance the soft skills and technical classes for Healthy Lifestyle for their officers under the theme “Healthy Lifestyle for Progressive Living”. Hon’ble Dean Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Sir assigned Dr. Pradnya Chaugule as the Training Program Organizer and Dr.Kalyani Joshi as the program coordinator. Both coordinated with Shailaja Poojary Madam from School of Hospitality and Tourism studies, who in turn guided to Police Officer Mr. Andhare Sir for further organization. The program coordinator from Commissioner of Police office were Police Officers Mr.Veer Sir,Mr. Wadile Sir and Mr. Salunkhe Sir. The training session at Virtual Classroom was conducted from 18.05.2023 to 24.05.2023 from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Inaugural: On the first day dated 18.05.2023, Dr.Kalyani Joshi coordinated and guided Police participants to the venue of Virtual Classroom. The program was started with welcome of Police officers by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Sir, Hon’ble Dean of the School of Ayurveda. The inauguration of Program with Deep Prajwalan and Bhagvan Shri Dhanwantari Poojan was done by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Sir and API Rajratna Khairnar Sir. Shri Dhanwantari Stavan was sung by Intern Neha Gangurde. Thereafter, Dr. Kalyani Joshi gave a brief information on aim and objective of six days lecture series program on “Healthy Lifestyle for Progressive Living.”

Day 1 (18.05.2023) Session was conducted by Hon’ble Dean Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Sir; Sir spoke on the topic ‘Role of Immunity in Lifestyle Disorder’. In his lecture, Sir gave detailed meaning of Health as per Ayurveda and WHO. Importance of daily intake of CHAVANPRASH and BRAMHARASAYAN and their miraculous results in building immunity in the human body via these formulations was emphasized by Sir. 28 Policemen attended the program.
Day 2 (19.05.2023) Session lecture was given Dr. Neena Damle, Assistant Professor, from Department of Kaya Chikitsa on the topic “Occupational Disease Management through Ayurveda”. In this lecture Madam emphasized on types of OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES in policemen, how to prevent respiratory disorders, common skin ailments, varicose veins etc. Causative factors and preventive aspects of musculoskeletal disorders, stress related problems and infectious diseases was elaborated. Ayurveda management therapies like Abhyanga, Nasya, Shirodhara, Yoga etc. should be practised in day to day life in prevention of occupational diseases. 28 Policemen attended the program.
Day 3 (20.05.2023) Session was conducted by Dr.Vinay Pawar, Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit-Samhita-Siddhant. Sir spoke on the topic ‘Dincharya in Ayurveda / Achar Rasayan, Sadvrutta Palan’. In his lecture, Sir has emphasized on Dinacharya and Rutucharya, gave detailed understanding on Dharaniya vega and Adharaniya vega and its impact on daily physical and mental health. Sir also quoted Sanskrit verses on Achara Rasayan and Sadvrutta Palan. He explained the concept of Ethical Pollution and code of conduct.10 Policemen attended the program.
Day 4 (22.05.2023) Session was conducted by Dr.Pradnya Chaugule, Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Madam spoke on the topic ‘Stress Management’. In this lecture ma’am has accentuated on stress factor in life of policeman, gave detailed understanding on PQ (Physical Quotient), IQ (Intelligent Quotient), EQ ( Emotional Quotient) and SQ( Spiritual Quotient) and its impact on physical and mental health and how to manage their stress factor by practicing YOGA, chanting AUMKAR and DHYAAN. 22 Policemen attended the program.
Day 5 (23.05.2023) Session was conducted by Dr. Mrudul Chitrakar, Associate Professor, Department of Swasthavrittta and Yoga, on the topic ‘Millets and Disease Based Aahar.’ In this lecture ma’am accentuated on intake of Satwik ahara, emphasizing more on millet based diet. Explained the importance of Ahar Vidhivisheshayatan and its impact on body metabolism thereby leading to healthy lifestyle. According to the diseases do’s and don’ts while taking diet were explained in detail. Total 23 Policemen attended the program.
Day 6 (24.05.2023) Session. On the last day, Dr. Pradnya Chaugule coordinated with police person and Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr. Amol Khedkar and Dr. Pragati Dwivedi for Health Check Camp at D.Y.Patil Ayurveda Hospital. Total 23 policemen took the benefit of the camp. Free consultation of general health of the Policemen was conducted with one week complimentary medication were given. The Health check-up camp started at 3 pm and ended at 4:30 pm.
The Last session of this training program was conducted in Virtual Classroom. Dr.Vedvati Bhapkar, Assistant Professor, from Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana was introduced and invited by Dr. Kalyani Joshi to deliver the lecture on “Causes and Prevention of Metabolic Disorders”.In this lecture ma’am has emphasised on Metabolic Disorders, there causes and preventive measures. She Enlightened on BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and BMI (Body Mass Index). Ma’am also discussed about Metabolic Triad and the early symptoms of the metabolic disorders. Management of Metabolic Disorders by following proper diet based on Ayurvedic principles and physical activity. 21 Police Officers attended the session. Each session was anchored by Dr.Kalyani Joshi and concluded with Question and Answer session. The feedback form and attendance of the Police officers were taken by Interns Moaz Shaikh, Kaushal, Neha, Shruti. The technical assistance was done by Mr.Mayur Shrikar from Team 1.
On the last day, Vote of Thanks was proposed by the Training Program Organizer from School of Ayurveda, Dr. Pradnya Chaugule, and testimonials of the organization of the training session was given by Police Officers at the end of last session.
It was a sheer privilege to contribute in the lives of Police Officers via these awareness lectures and health check-up camp and give them guidelines on Healthy Living.