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AWARENESS LECTURE BY GUEST SPEAKER ON“Contemporary Menstrual Solution- Menstrual cup on 26 th August 2022.

Objectives of the Programme:

  • To spread Awareness about the Environmental pollution created by Sanitary pads and Use of Menstrual Cup which is an Eco friendly and Pocket friendly and easy to use Reusable menstrual product available in the market.
  • To educate the Medical and Paramedical Faculty about Menstrual Cup so that they can be the source to spread awareness in the society.

Platform: D.Y.Patil Ayurvedic Hospital,Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
Venue: Virtual Classroom, 1 st Floor
Date: 26/08/2022
Time : 10:00 AM onwards.
Organiser: Prasutitantra –Streeroga Department , D.Y.Patil school of Ayurveda in collaboration with AIMIL Pharma.

Organising Committee-
Dr.Divya Ramugade -(HOD & Professor Prasutitantra And Striroga)
Dr.Varsha Gaikwad- (Asso.Professor, Prasutitantra And Striroga)
Dr.Ajita Bhise -(,Asst.Professor Prasutitantra And Striroga)
Dr.Archana Mahajan.-(Asst. Professor Prasutitantra And Strirog)
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Suman Bijlani.
Consulting Gyneacologist,Sonologist & Laproscopic Surgeon
Kurla (w), Mumbai.
In today’s day to day life the environmental pollution has increased alot and one of the reason to contribute this pollution is Sanitary Pad which is one time use, costly, difficult to discard and as a need of hour it is high time to update into modified Menstrual devices which is menstrual Cup which is reusable, pocket friendly, ecofriendly.

  • The motive behind this lecture was to spread Awareness about use of menstrual cup and also clear all the doubts and Myths which all had in their mind.
  • To educate medical Faculty, paramedical Faculty and the students so that they can be the source of awareness to the common people around and in this way we can attempt to reduce the pollution created by sanitary pad and serve the purpose.
  • The programme started with blessings of Lord Dhanvantari by Singing Dhanvantari stavan by GS. of D. Y. Patil college Avanti Chalake followed by short introduction given by Dr.Ajita Bhise (Asst.Professor).
  • Deep prajwalan was done by all the dignitaries followed by Felicitation of all the dignitaries.
  • Dr. Harit (Dean Sir) gave speech about significance of Development in Mordern Equipments for Menstrual solution.
  • The Anchoring of whole Event was Done by Dr..Ajita Bhise (Asst.Professor). Dr Ajita gave the audience an idea of program ahead.
  • Dr Archana Mahajan (Asst. Professor) gave brief introduction of the Guest speaker Dr. Suman Bijlani and welcomed her on the dias.

Dr. Suman Bijlani Session :-
1. Started her guest lecture at 10:30AM.
2. She started her session with a very informative video on pollution due to sanitary pads & the difficulty in disposal of the sanitary pads.
3. She started the lecture by briefing Female Anatomy, physiology of Menstruation, Issues related to sanitary Pads and clothes and tampons like genital Rashes, bad odour of the pads, and cost for the pads, leakage issues, and disposal issues.
4. She explained about poor menstrual hygiene in India and the serious health risk like Toxic Tampon Syndrome, Urinary Tract infection.
5. She introduced the menstrual cup to the Audience and informed about the details of cup like size, material, capacity etc.
6. She gave the live demonstration with models about insertion and removal of the cup and stated advantages of menstrual cup.
7. She also discussed after care of the menstrual cup.
8. The session was very much interactive and informative
9. Q&A started at 11:15 AM.
There was Question Box arranged 1 week prior the event for Q & A session.Dr. Varsha Gaikwad (Asso.Professor) put forward the questions asked by participants to Dr.Suman Bijlani madam which were answered by her.
Vote of thanks-
Plaque of appreciation was given to the speaker Dr. Suman Bijlani by Dr.Divya Ramugade (HOD. &.Professor Prasutitantra and Strirog) followed by vote of thanks done by Dr Divya Ramugade
Awareness Lecture ended at 12:15 PM.
Many faculty members,paramedical staff,interns,first year to final year students had attended this programme. More than 170 people participated in this event. Menstrual Cup Purchase counter
A counter was arranged for on the spot Purchase of Menstrual cup at low cost by Earthizens Foundation
Refreshment Session-
Refreshment snacks and Tea were arranged by AIMIL Pharma for the Audience of Event.