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MD in Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana

• Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery (BAMS PG) Programme is directed towards rendering training in Rasashastra And Bhaishajyakalpana branch of Ayurveda enhance professional competence in order to fulfill requirement for Ayurvedic Education and Practice.
• To provide Medical Care through Ayurvedic Systems of Medicine to the suffering humanity.
• To provide and assist in providing service and facilities of highest order for Research, Evolution, Training, Consultation and Guidance to Ayurvedic System of Medicine.
• To conduct Experiments and develop Patterns of Teaching Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Education in Rasashastra And Bhaishajyakalpana branch of Ayurveda
• Demonstrate proficiency in conducting a professional scientific research, documentation & presentations at various levels.