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MD in Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana

By the end of PG program the student will able to
• Conduct such clinical and experimentalresearch, as would have a significant bearing on human health and patient care.
• Participate actively in various workshops/seminars/journal clubs/demonstration in the allied departments, to acquire various skills for collaborative research.
• The program basically focuses on the science of combining various metals and other substances with herbs to alleviate disorders from the diseased and help people to stay healthy and vibrant.
• To impart the knowledge of medicine preparation to students with respect to quality, safety and efficacy.
• To supply quality products for dispensing in Hospital.
• Able to do specialized practice individually and follow medical ethics and etiquettes in the practise of his profession.

• PSOs 1 Students are able to study classical pharmacopeia on scientific parameters& to establish Ayurvedic pharmacy supplying quality Ayurvedic Herbo mineral formulation.
• PSOs 2 Wide scope to establish practice in Ayurvedic medicine in the areas Rasa chikitsa.