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MD in Dravya guna Vigyana

By the end of PG program the student will able to
• Students will able to gain the advance knowledge of Medicinal plant related to information and its application of Dravyas (Drugs/Medicines) in practical field of Ayurveda and its contemporary aspects and research methodologies.
• Students become competent for exposure in various fields like Pharmaceuticals, Biology, especially Plant science other than the Medical aspects
• To supply quality products for dispensing in Hospital.
• At the end of the course the student has knowledge General Pharmacology: a) Principles of Pharmacology, Pharmcodynamics & Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, distribution, Metabolism & excretion, mechanism of action, dose determination and dose response, structure activity relationship.

• PSOs 1 Executive Skill: The student enables to gain the in-depth knowledge of Namarupa, Guna Karma and Prayogvigyan of all the Drugs- Sthavar (Medicinal plants), Jangam (Animal origin products), Bhouma (Mineral origin drugs) and its applications in field of Ayurveda medicines, General biology, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacognosy, Agriculture and Veterinary sciences.
• PSOs 2 Awareness on current Medicinal Plant research in Ayurveda is generated in students