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Workshop on Supraja Garbhasanskar (Pre-conceptional Counselling)

EVENT: Workshop on Supraja Garbhasanskar (Pre-conceptional Counselling)
Organised by: –Streerog- Prasutitantra Dept. in collaboration with Fredun Pharmaceuticals.
Date: On 21 st December 2022 from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Streerog –Prasutitantra dept in collaboration with Fredun Pharmaceuticals. Conducted Garbhasanskar workshop on 21/12/22.
Programme started with Dhanvantari Poojan & Stavan. Respected Dean Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Sir, Dr.Chavan Sir, Dr. Divya Ramugade (HOD & Prof. Streerog Dept.), Dr. Varsha Gaikwad (Asso. Prof.PTSR. Dept.) Were present on the dias.
Dean Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Sir gave motivational speech on Garbhasanskar. Dr.Chavan Sir congratulated Streerog dept. for organizing the Garbhasanskar workshop.
Registration and Felicitation with a flower of every participant of the workshop was done. Dr. Divya Ramugade Madam:- Introduction lecture was given by. She explained the need for Garbhasankar in today's era. She described the overall Garbhasanskar module very nicely.
Dr. Varsha Gaikwad:- explained about Importance of pre conceptional detoxification (Panchkarma) with reference to Beej shuddhi in both the partners and also cleared the whole concept of conception to the participants. It was an interactive Session.
A short break for refreshments was given to the participants, Refreshments were arranged by Fredun Pharmaceuticals. After 15 mins break the session was continued.
Dr Archana Mahajan:- conducted a session to explain the role of Ahar &Vihar in Pre conception and ante-natal phase.
Dr. Ajita Bhise:- conducted Yogasana Practical Session with demonstration done by intern Varna Nair. There were around 20 participants in the workshop.
This workshop ended with "Shanti Prarthana". At the end of the workshop feedback was taken from every participant.
The workshop was concluded by vote of thanks given by Dr Archana Mahajan.
This collaborative event was immensely lauded by Dean Dr.Mahesh kumar Harit sir,D.Y.Patil school of Ayurveda and other faculty members.

ACHIEVEMENTS 1) Patients expressed their wish to take part in more of such events.
2) Live yogasan and pranayam sessions helped them a lot in understanding how practicing yogasan in pregnancy favours normal delivery.
3) Interns also got to learn something new which is out of their curriculum.