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World Environment Day was organised by D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University, Nerul. Navi Mumbai and D-CAL (D Y Patil Climate Action Lab) on 05-06-2023, A motivational initiative by Hon. Ms. Rajlakshmi V. Patil & team to make our DYP, Nerul. Navi Mumbai campus a green and environment friendly one. It is the need of the hour for our prestigious campus to be full of greenery and plastic free.
The School of Ayurveda with the School of Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy conducted, “A Tree plantation initiative program at D.Y. Patil Herbal Garden, Nerul. Navi Mumbai”. The occasion was graced by Ms. Rajlakshmi V. Patil of D-CAL by planting Pomegranate followed by plantation of Raktachandan planted by Hon. Vice Chancellor Vandana Mishra, ,Nagkeshar by Dr. Bhadwar Madam,Neem by Dr. Bharti Kulkarni and Sinduri planted by Dean- School of Medicine .Dr. Rakesh R. Somani Dean- School of Pharmacy planted Karanj, Dr. Gaurang Sudhakar Mestry Dean- School of Dentistry planted Tamalapatra and Amalaki was planted by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Harit Dean-School of Ayurveda . The medicinal plants viz.Kupeelu ,Akarkarabh, Ashwagandha, Nirgundi. Dhataki, Chandan, Avartani, Stevia, Yuthika, Kanchanar was planted School of Ayurveda Staffs and students. Dravyaguna staffs planted Shami tree. The programme was concluded by words of Appreciation and importance of plantation of plants, environment and increase in forestation for betterment of Earth by Ms. Rajlakshmi V. Patil.
The 2 nd scheduled programme was plastic collection Drive at RAIT Podium entrance. The plastic waste were collected by all the staffs and students of D.Y.Patil deemed to be University from the surrounding areas. The importance of collecting plastic waste lies in preventing it from ending of in landfills, oceans and natural habitats were it can persist for 100 of years. Releasing harmful toxins and disrupting the eco systems. The collected waste plastic was sent for recycling.
The 3 rd scheduled programme was Green exhibition at Centre of Excellence, 4 th floor. It involved incorporating eco-friendly practices, materials and technologies throughout the event to minimise its environmental impact and promote sustainable practices. The 4 th Talk show and Eco Fashion show event at Auditorium of School of Dentistry, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting action on crucial environmental issue. The 1 st Talk was delivered by a renowned Journalist Mr. S.S. Mantha, about Destruction of Mangrove along the seashore of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and steps towards saving the Mangroves and importance Wet land conservations. The 2 nd speaker was Mr. Vivek Kulkarni, CEO Environment India delivered lecture on Beat Plastic pollution. He highlighted the hazards of plastic usage and suggested concrete solutions to alternate uses of plastics like use of Jute bag, less clothing, usage of bio degradable material, minimising the usage of electronic gadgets, etc. The 3 rd speaker was Dr. Ainavolu, Professor of strategy VPSM delivered lectured on sustainable living. He highlighted the usage of minimal wastage of the Biological ecosystem.
The nature inspired eco fashion show was a stunning display of creativity and sustainability. The students of Dentistry showed the beauty of nature while incorporating eco-friendly materials and ethical production method.