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Duties & Responsibilities of Teaching Faculties

Duties & Responsibilities related to Academic Work: -

  • All faculties are bound to be in their respective departments in the campus during their official working hours.
  • In and Out Biometric attendance is mandatory to all.
  • Conducting Academic activities like Lectures / Practical’s / Clinics etc. is to be done as per the schedule assigned by their respective HOD.
  • Maintaining Attendance data of Student for their respective Lectures / Practical’s / Clinics.
  • Performing Exam related duties as and when assigned.
  • Actively participating in the Research work conducted in the department or Institute.
  • Maintaining records and documents of their respective committees as assigned them time to time.
  • Active participation in Quality Teaching and Learning process for the betterment of Students and Institute.
  • Perform the additional work as and when allotted by HOI.

Duties & Responsibilities related to Hospital Work: -

  • Duties & Responsibilities related to Hospital Work: -
  • Participation in Medical Camps & Awareness Programs conducted by the institute.
  • Participating in mandatory training programs provided by D.Y. Patil Ayurvedic Hospital.
  • Safety instructions and rules are obeyed. Safety devices installed and equipment provided are used.
  • Defective tools and other equipment’s without proper guarding / protection is not be used.
  • Unsafe conditions or practices are reported to the immediate supervisor.
  • All injuries occurring on the job and any illness associated with the job are reported promptly and in writing to the Department Head.
  • All fires, accidental damage to property, hazardous material spills and other emergency occurrence no matter how slight must be reported.
  • All hazardous material is disposed-off according to prescribed procedures, in compliance with the regulations.
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is an Offence & will be treated accordingly.
  • Failure to comply with environment, health and safety rules regulations may result in disciplinary action up to dismissal.