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About the Committee

In beginning of our college life, our one of the biggest fears begins with the word ragging. But here in the institution the anti-ragging committee makes sure that the students are at ease. The student’s welfare council with the help of our Committee Chairman and members, take all the necessary steps to ensure a ragging free campus. We the council members conduct various activities such as poster competition to spread awareness regarding same. All the students, especially from the first year, freshers batch participate in great numbers. The student’s welfare council tries to stay in close touch with all the students and makes sure everybody, especially freshers feel completely secured and safe around us in the campus.

As such no incidents have been reported, but if any does, then the council is uptight to take it to their Committee Chairman and members and any such activity detected, necessary actions been taken. The student’s council also has all the contact details of the committee so that if the student is not comfortable sharing the details with any of the council members, then they can directly take up the issue to the higher authority. The council takes part in any inquiry conducted by the committee in regards with the ragging and also provide any and every information required by the committee. The council members are in regular touch with at least one of the committee members to avoid any miscommunication and misunderstandings. All in all, the student’s welfare council actively participates in any activity or important event conducted in regards with Anti ragging program.


1) To eliminate ragging in all its forms from institute by preventing its occurrence and punishing those who indulge in ragging .

2) Aim of formation of Antiragging committee in D. Y. Patil School of Ayurveda, Nerul, Navi Mumbai is to secure student’s safety at college.

3) Committee decided to carry forward the work by providing the safe , secure environment to students.

4) Committee follows all the guidelines and working procedures for Anti ragging committee as per Government of us, Rules & regulations.