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To foster and permeate higher and quality education with value added engineering, technology programs, providing all facilities in terms of technology and platforms for all round development with social awareness and nurture the youth with international competencies and exemplary level of employability even under highly competitive environment so that they are innovative, adaptable and capable of handling problems faced by our country and world at large.

RAIT’s firm belief in a new form of engineering education that lays equal stress on academics and leadership building extracurricular skills has been a major contribution to the success of RAIT as one of the most reputed institutions of higher learning. The challenges faced by our country and the world in the 21st century needs a whole new range of thoughts and action leaders, which a conventional educational system in engineering disciplines are ill equipped to produce. Our reputation in providing good engineering education with additional life skills ensures that high grade and highly motivated students join us. Our laboratories and practical sessions reflect the latest that is being followed in the industry. The project works and summer internships make our students adept at handling the real-life problems and be industry ready. Our students are well placed in the industry and their performance make reputed companies visit us with renewed demands and vigour.

The Institution is committed to mobilize the resources and equip itself with men and materials of excellence, there by ensuring that the Institution becomes a pivotal center of service to Industry, Academy, and society with the latest technology. RAIT engages different platforms such as technology enhancing Student Technical Societies, Cultural platforms, Sports excellence centers, Entrepreneurial Development Centers and a Societal Interaction Cell. To develop the college to become an autonomous institution & deemed university at the earliest, we provide facilities for advanced research and development programs on par with international standards. We also seek to invite international and reputed national Institutions and Universities to collaborate with our institution on the issues of common interest of teaching and learning sophistication.

RAIT’s Mission is to produce engineering and technology professionals who are innovative and inspiring thought leaders, adept at solving problems faced by our nation and world by providing quality education.

The Institute is working closely with all stake holders like industry, Academy to foster knowledge generation, acquisition, dissemination using the best available resources to address the great challenges being faced by our country and World. RAIT is fully dedicated to provide its students skills that make them leaders and solution providers and are industry ready when they graduate from the Institution.

We at RAIT assure our main stakeholders 100% quality of students for the programmes we deliver. This quality assurance stems from the teaching and learning processes we have at work at our campus. The teachers are handpicked from reputed institutions IIT/NIT/MU, etc. and they inspire the students to be innovative in thinking and practical in approach. We have installed internal procedures to optimize skill sets of instructors by sending them to training courses, workshops, seminars and conferences. We also have a full-fledged course curriculum and deliveries planned for a structured semester long programme. These tools help us to ensure same quality of teaching independent of any individual instructor. Each classroom is equipped with internet and other digital learning resources.
The effective learning process in the campus comprises a clean and stimulating classroom environment and availability of lecture notes and digital resources prepared by instructors from the comfort of home. In addition to this, a student is provided with good number of assignments that would trigger his thinking process. The testing process involves an objective test paper that would gauge the understanding of concepts of the students. The Q&A process also ensures that the learning process is effective. The summer internships and project work-based training ensure learning process to include practical and industry relevant aspects. Various technical events, seminars and conferences make the students ‘learning complete.