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Code of Conduct for Students

RAIT believes in promoting a safe , productive environment to the students by ensuring an ethical code of conduct and standards of good behavior.

This code of conduct shall apply to all kinds of conduct that occurs on the campus premises and any off campus conduct that may cause any ramifications or adverse impact on the Institute’s reputation.

Students are expected to hold paramount the safety, health and well-fare of all within the college premises, by promoting a welcoming, respectable and ethical environment that values everyone equally.

Students are expected conduct themselves with fairness, honesty, integrity and avoid conflict of interest.

Students have to ensure regularity and fulfill all academic duties and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

1) Students must uphold academic responsibility and integrity , respect all faculty , staff and housekeeping services.

2) Students must abstain from indulging in any form of misconduct within the campus and off the campus.

3) Students must refrain from intentionally damaging and destroying college property or belongings of other students, faculty or staff.

4) Students should not get involved in any act of discrimination, physical or verbal misconduct, based on an individual’s gender, caste, race, religion, family status, gender identity etc.

5) Students are expected to come to college in a proper dress code that confirms to a professional attitude suitable for a budding engineer.

6) Students should be using social media platforms responsibly and carefully and refrain from posting derogatory remarks and comments about anybody from the college or outside, as this can have grave ramifications on the reputation of the Institute.

7) Students are expected to respect and care for the institute’s property which includes labs, classrooms, electronic devices, other resources and facilities.

8) Students should refrain from taking any photographs or making a video/audio of any person, location, classroom lectures without the consent and knowledge of the authorities.

9) Students should maintain honesty, integrity and sanctity during examinations, orals, practical and other academic activities .

10) Students should actively participate in all activities of the campus that includes social work and other community welfare activities which will ensure the complete flowering of their personality and well-being of the Institute.