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Research Message

Research is woven into the fabric of our institute, giving rise to remarkable research work in the form of innovative projects, research papers, and research proposals. Faculty members, through various research platforms, share their insights, research work, projects with the world at large. Research work transforms them into world class engineers and comprehensive covering multidisciplinary areas in physics, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics and humanities. Our research illuminates the society at large from our creative outputs and entrepreneurial activities. The insights and innovations carried out in the department are necessary to promote and sustain the environment and society. Our research is powered by exceptional researchers and strong partnerships. Collaborative efforts are made with industry and academia. Our research is also infused into our teaching. It creates educational opportunities that enriches the student’s experience and provides necessary skills that make our graduates more competitive in the job market. Our research also provides academics advancements to our faculty members and places them in the forefront of their respective fields.