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Feedbacks used as a tool for enhanced performance, play a vital role in improving the quality of teaching and learning. The students face different faculties at various stages with various subjects and their feedback plays a vital role. The parents’ feedbacks help to understand the expectations while the academicians’ feedback helps to look for thrust areas of research and the industries provide feedback to highlight the proficiencies required to excel in the industry with the changing scenarios.

The feedbacks from various sources are collected for the quality assessment. They are as follows:

• The students have provision to view all contents of LMS and they can participate in the discussion forum. They give feedback for the quality of contents.
• The toppers’ meeting is conducted to assess the teaching quality and to take their suggestions and opinions for quality improvement.
• Monthly class room meetings to know the content delivery feedback of all the subjects and the student’s expectations. This also helps to review the quality.
• Interactions with the non performing students allows the institute to know their weaknesses and to orient the teaching to improve upon their learning.
• Feedback is obtained through an analysis of the individual COs attainment which helps DCF team to identify particular CO’s attainment and to plan the strategies to improve.
• Parents interact with the faculty, mentors and HOD at various occasions like Parent-Teacher-Meeting, counseling sessions, personal meeting, award ceremonies, etc and faculty analyse and put forward the expectations in the DQA meetings for implementation. This builds a strong bonding with society and in turn contributes to build well educated skilled manpower.
• Interactions with industry experts in various platforms like, DAC meeting, expert sessions, training programs, industry visits, etc, help to gather the industry expectations. These will be discussed in DQA meetings for implementation. This helps identify real time problems and to develop skilled students for better employment.
• Faculty interact with academicians of various reputed institutes on various platforms like, examination, workshops, orientation programs, seminars, expert talks, conferences, colloquiums, etc and discuss the research areas to know the latest trends and technologies. This provides the faculty with the necessary exposure to make students work on real time problems and latest technologies.

Apart from these, the subject performance and faculty performance are evaluated to perform impact analysis.

• With accumulation of all the assessment components, namely assignment, tests, practicals, attendance and end semester oral performance in DCF, the subject CO-PO attainments are evaluated. The weak components are identified to rework for improvement.
• The department audit is carried out to ensure the fair conduction of all the activities.
• The faculty performance is evaluated by computing EPI. The students’ performance is reflected in the EPI in terms of number of students performing above average which when compared with other subject faculties provides an idea about the individual faculty’s performance. This helps for identifying the weaknesses to work further.

Evaluation Process: Various Feedbacks are analyzed:

• The students give the subject-feedback on the teaching process, CO-PO feedback on the course delivered to identify the levels of CO attainment.
• In view of these two feedbacks, the faculty gives their suggestion for improvement to HOD who in turn recommends a solution for further improvement.
• This is finally commented by CMQA and Principal. The concerned faculty is counselled for improving the performance accordingly.