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TechTalk 2019

IEEE RAIT organized a Tech Talk in its annual techfest on 11 October, 2019 awarding the students with an amazing opportunity to interact with one of the most admirable Indian Physicists “Dr. Umesh Ramakant Kadhane”. Dr. Umesh Ramakant Kadhane pursued Ph.D in Physics at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. He worked as a Doctoral Fellow at TIFR, Mumbai (Dec 2005-Mar 2006) , University of Aarhus, Denmark (Apr 2006-Jun 2008) and University of Paris Sud, France (Sep 2008-Nov2008). He also served as an Assistant Professor at IIT Madras. Dr. Kadhane has a keen interest in X Ray emission and molecular photo absorption spectroscopy. He flagged the first faculty speech on the Physics Club with an attractive note -“Dancing a Waltz with Fullerene”.

Dr. Umesh Ramakant Kadhane is the deputy project director for high thrust EPS for liquid propulsion system, Valiamala (ISRO) for Indian Space Program. He has established two laboratories at IIST for space research and has been a principal investigator for plasma measurement of Earth, Mars and Venus. In his Tech Talk, he elucidated experimental and theoretical atomic and molecular physics and the applications of quantum domain technologies appearing in day to day life along with the attempts being made to use quantum mechanics for space technology applications.