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RTCSP 2019

Department of Instrumentation Engineering had organized ISTE Approved, STTP on Research Trends in Control Systems & Signal Processing 2019 (RTCSP-2019) from 16 th to 21 st December 2019.. Which was opened for all i.e. for industrial person, faculty members, students, full time PhD/PG students.

Day 1

A great start to RTCSP-2019 by hands of our beloved Dr. Mukesh D. Patil sir (Principal of RAIT) and our own Dr. Sharad Jhadav sir (HOD of Instrumentation Department). The RTCSP-2019 started by the key-note address by Dr. Sunil Kumar Kopparapu (Principle Scientist, TCS Research and Inovation) on ‘Machine Learning in Speech Signal Process’, followed by Dr. Ravindra Munje (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China) having an informative session along with a hands on session on the topic of ‘Observer Design for Multi-time Scale System and its Application’.

Day 2

Day 2 of RTCSP-2020 completed successfuly after insightful sessions. Begining the day with hands on session by Mr. Sushant Pawar (RAIT) on ‘Control and State Observer Design’, followed by the session of Dr Rajbabu Velmurugan (IIT, Bombay) on the topic of ‘Image Co-segmentation and Abnormal Activity Detections’, ending the day with lecture and lab session of Dr. Vikas D. Hajare (CCEW, Pune) on the topic of ‘PID Controller for SISO & MIMO’ and ‘System Identification and Controller Implementation’ respectively.

Day 3

Day 3 of RTCSP-2019 was a profound experience after multiple sessions started by a hands-on session on ‘Mathematics in Image Processing’ by Dr. Gargi S. Phadke(RAIT), followed by a session by Dr. Ameya K. Naik on the topic of ‘Case Studies of Application based Research using Signal Processing’, ending with an insightful lecture and lab session by Mr. Dinesh D. Dhadekar (DAIT, Pune) on the topics ‘Robust control of nonlinear Uncertain System via Sliding Mode Control’ and ‘Sliding Mode Control’, respectively.

Day 4

Day 4 of RTCSP-2019 comes to an end after multiple keen sessions. Beginning with the session by Dr. Jayanand P. Gawande(RAIT) on ‘PID Controller Design using Wavelets and Filter Banks’ followed by the session by Dr. Mukesh D. Patil (Principal RAIT) on ‘Robust Control using QFT’. Next couple of sessions were taken by Dr. Pawan K. Ajmera (BITS, Pilan) on ‘Speech and Speaker Recognition’, followed by hands on session by Dr. Prasiddh Trivedi (RAIT) on ‘Higher Order Sliding mode Control’.

Day 5

of RTCSP-2019 completed by insightful sessions by Dr. Amol D. Rahulkar (NIT, Goa) on ‘Design of Orthogonal and Bi-orthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks’, followed by Mr. Mukund Nagare (RAIT) on ‘Wavelet and Applications’. Furthermore the session was taken over by Dr. Vishwesh Vyawahare (RAIT) duly assisted by Mr. Pratik Kadam (RAIT) on ‘Fractional-order Control System’, ending the day with a hands on session by Gajanan Birajdar (RAIT) on ‘Image processing and manipulation using python’.

Day 6

Day 6 and the Final day of RTCSP-2019 completed with couple of sessions, begining with the session of Dr. Ganesh Singadkar (AIRA Matrix, Thane) on the topic of ‘Deep Learning For Computer Vision Application’, followed by the session by Dr. Bhushan Patil (Lead Scientist, GE Healthcare) on the topic of ‘Deep learning for medical application’.The RTCSP-2019 ended with concluding remarks by Dr M D Patil and a formal vote of thanks by Dr Sharad Jadhav.