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Procedure of Functions

• If any student wants to approach the Gender Committee for giving any feedback, suggestion, or complaint they can directly or anonymously post their grievance through various feedback tools made available for them in the college.
• INTERNAL HELPLINE NUMBERS– Contact numbers of all Gender Committee Members are displayed all around the Campus. If any student has any complaint or suggestion, they can call these numbers anytime 24X7.
• COUNCILLOR COMMITTEE– Every batch at the college is mentored by a Counselor. The students can approach the Councilors anytime if they have any complaint or suggestion. The Councilor after analyzing the complaint will try to solve it or put it across to the Gender Committee for further action.
• ONLINE GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL – The College website has an online Grievance Redressal System, where the student can go online and register their complaints or suggestion anonymously. This Online feedbackis received by the Chairperson of the Gender Committee & reviewed accordingly.
• After receiving the complaint, members of the Gender Unit, check the genuineness & seriousness of the complaint.
• The complete details of the complaint from the complainant are noted.
• After that the members also talk & take feedback from the person against whom the complaint is registered.
• Based on the complaint feedback is also taken from other concerned personnel.
• After all, above analysis if the Complaint is considered genuine & serious then it is put across to all members of the Gender Unit.
• After that as per the laid down procedure the matter is taken ahead to resolve the complaint.