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GRE Seminars

To guide the students about the GRE examination and debunking the myths related to it. The students of T.E and S.E of various department were provided an opportunity to learn about the insights of pursuing education abroad. Mr. Nitin Lathe was the speaker for this seminar. About 100 students actively participated in the seminar and keenly conversed with Mr. Nitin Lathe. The seminar began with the speaker conversing with the students about their future ambitions. Students agreed how hazy their views were regarding the topic. Knowledge on the various options after completion of their graduation were imparted to the students.

After the basic knowledge was gained by the students, clarity on the GRE Examination was provided by the speaker. Various sections of the paper and their respective marks allocation were put forward by the speaker. Numerous misconceptions regarding the subject were cleared. In addition, the whole process was made known to the students. The session concluded with the doubts of students solved by the speaker. CSI RAIT expresses their deepest gratitude to Dr. Leena Ragha, Head of the Department, Computer Engineering as well as all the faculty members of Computer Department for their constant gratitude and support. The students were familiarized with profound knowledge of GRE Examination and akin topics.