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Bitcamp is the annual national level hackathon of 24 hours conducted by Computer Society of India – Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology. Here, students from all over the country come together and showcase their skills in the field of computer technology to solve problems. We aim to provide a national level platform for students to compete with each other while at the same time, learn a lot and have fun.

Developer- Back, Front, or Full stack – you turn concepts into reality using sharp coding skills while listening to a hot playlist.

Engineer- With your deep scientific background, you are able to design and build complicated machines and systems to drive a technical project.

Idea Generator- You spark creation with your original ideas and understand the problem at hand.

Data Scientist- You and data, it’s a long story. A virtuoso that works magic with databases and adds a sprinkle of AI.

Designer- In your skillful hands, dashboards and applications gain clarity and style.

Teams whose hacks outperformed those of other participants were awarded with a cash prize and their projects presented in front of all participants