Main Content

Vision , Mission , Goals & Objectives


  • The Student Council aims to inculcate values of unification and democratic outlook amongst the students and aims at maintaining a strong communication network between the students, teachers and the administration and tries to promote a harmonious relationship between all the stakeholders of the college. The Student Council also feels that discipline and justice are of utmost importance in an institution, and tries to ensure justice in all matters of student disputes and aims at maintaining an accepted level of discipline amongst the students. The Student Council also has the responsibility to convey matters concerning common interests of the students to the college authorities.


  • The Student Council aims at being the communicator between the student body and the college administration and works towards building a healthy relationship having clear communication channels between them to instil a sense of peace and harmony in the college campus and put a stop to any possible misinformation. The Student Council also aims at providing a safe and secure campus where each and every student studying here feels comfortable in doing so. In order to ensure this, The Student Council carries out various initiatives such as collecting, presenting, and resolving student grievances.

Goals and objectives

  • Provide conducive academic atmosphere to students.
  • To improve overall academic performance of students.
  • To inculcate discipline as a value among students.
  • To develop employable skills among students.
  • To render service to society.
  • To bring social awareness amongst students by conducting blood donation camps, first aid camps, health camps, etc.
  • To achieve the goal of personality development of students by organizing various guest lectures.
  • To strengthen relationship among students through various healthy practices. To organize various seminars like career guidance, about various job opportunities etc. for upliftment of students.
  • To organize various cultural activities for all round personality development of students.