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Profile of the D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University Nerul, Navi Mumbai

The D Y Patil University (DYPU) is named after its illustrious and visionary founder, Dr Dnyandeo Yashwantrao Patil. Known for his philanthropic and social service, Dr Patil, a padmashree awardee visualized a dream to make quality education accessible to the ever burgeoning, aspiring youth of the nation seeking careers in professional domains like engineering and medicine . Thus, the D Y Patil University stands as a symbol of excellence in education and health care, the twin objectives of the founder chancellor.

The academic programs are planned, adhering to the vision and mission of the university. The presence of the ideas created through our vision and mission can be seen in the designing of our courses and their curricula, the pedagogical tools and methods adopted and promoted, the faculty Development Programs, the interaction with all stakeholders, the robust feedback systems, the reliable evaluation and assessment systems that are in force at our university. This Applies to our undergraduate and post graduate programs as well as our research programs across the courses, namely Health Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Business Management, Hospitality and Tourism Studies. A strategy is in place with specific goals and action plans to carry out the mission and accomplishing the Vision as well as adhere to the norms set by statutory educational bodies of the nation, to provide a certain standard of quality education.

Best practices of the Management

The University has adopted decentralized and participative management practices. Statutory bodies for governance mandated by UGC and additional bodies for stream lined management functions such as the Board of Management, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Planning and Monitoring Board, Grievance Redressal Committee, Institutional Committee against Sexual Harassment, Anti-ragging Committee, Board of Studies, School Councils and Internal Quality Assurance Cells are all set up with due diligence. The university has implemented e-Governance in several key areas of operation including general, academic and hospital administration. A Policy for Resource Mobilization is framed to provide a framework for assessing resource requirements, identifying and management of resources.
The university provides all benefits like gratuity, maternity leave, EPF, health care benefits, subsidized accommodation, fee concession for children of employees, organizes wellness programs for employees. Additionally financial support is provided to faculty to attend conferences and meets. Membership fees of professional bodies are reimbursed to the faculty. Training programs are organized for upgradation of skills. Laptops/ or loans to purchase them are also made available to the employees. Feedback system:
All schools have developed customized performance appraisal tools which are employed for annual assessment of faculty. Appraisal include
(1) Structured self-appraisal;
(2) Feedback from students;
(3) Appraisal by Department Head/reporting officer;
(4) Review by Head of Schools.

Quality Assurance Cell

A University flourishes only when it delivers the desired outcomes in terms of its curriculum, courses offered, faculty, pedagogical practices. These are impactfully evaluated through a robust feedback system that incorporates inputs by both faculty and students to enhance the teaching learning experiences and the quality of the program. After all, any education program can deliver only when its participants-the students, are content and become the primary beneficiaries. The DYPU IQAC works continuously towards this end.

DYPU has developed a dynamic quality assurance mechanism which includes the University Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institutional IQACs in the schools, and criterion-wise quality circles to provide a broad-based involvement of stakeholders in quality initiatives. This has substantially improved the overall standards of our university and has facilitated in adhering to its vision and mission

Our Infrastructure.

The university is located in a beautiful campus amidst lush greenery that considerably enhances its ambience and beckons the inquiring students into its folds. It is a sprawling campus spread across 65 acres, academic and administrative blocks, a sports stadium, hospitals, hostels for girls and Boys and general staff quarters. 1741 students are accommodated in 7 separate hostels within campus. The University provides need-based accommodation to 530 employees in both on and off the campus.

The campus also houses a herbal garden, a museum, a blood bank as well as a bank for storing human milk, libraries with a rich collection of books, journals, e-books, e-journals, periodicals, digital resources containing information on subjects pertaining to Medicine, Ayurveda, Hospitality and Tourism Studies, Management studies. The campus also has a WIFI connectivity of 1.5 GBPS. DYPU has appropriate infrastructure and resources for imparting education. Classrooms have LCD projection systems with internet. Select classrooms have interactive display boards, lecture capture systems supported by teaching laboratories and two advanced clinical simulation labs. All the schools also have subscribed to the National Digital Library Repository, Shodhganga, e -shodhsindhu. Average annual expenditure on library resources has been Rs.77 lakhs in the last five years. There are also excellent canteen facilities in the campus.

Moreover, much to its credit, DYPU has pioneered in India, a Medical Simulation Laboratory for the purpose of augmenting the learning experiences and meeting the learning objectives of the courses for students of all Medical, Ayurveda, Dental and other allied health sciences.A 1662-bed multi-specialty hospital and 428-chair dental specialty hospital serve as teaching hospitals for students of health sciences. The average daily patients in the Out Patient Department (OPD) are 3500. There is 82% bed occupancy. The hospital provides facilities in different specialties like Cardiology, CVTS, Urology, Nephrology, Hematology, Pain Clinic, Oncosurgery, Neurosurgery, Rheumatology, Geriatric Clinic, Pediatric ward, Pulmonology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Nephrology, Urticaria treatment facilities, Human Milk Bank facility, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)Facilities, Organ Transplant surgeries and others.The maintenance department staffed with 205 personnel and reporting to the registrar provides for the upkeep of the various infrastructural facilities.

Curriculum Designing and planning at the university

Presently, DYPU offers seventy-five programs offering graduate and postgraduate courses.75percentage of these programs follow the Annual pattern with continuous and comprehensive internal assessments in the evaluation scheme. 25% follow the semester system with continuous comprehensive internal assessment.
The curriculum designing and development is undertaken by an in-depth analysis of the requirements of industry which has a bearing on employability. Further, innovation, research, scope for vertical and lateral mobility that can enhance career options, emerging trends in the subject are considered with due diligence while framing the curriculum. The model curriculum developed by Central councils forms a basis for our curriculum design and development.
Subject matter experts are involved in developing the curricula of the programs other than the health sciences. Major revision of the syllabus takes place once in 5 years and minor revisions, once in 3 years. Result analysis assists in the evaluation of the curriculum and a departmental committee comprising of experts finetunes the curriculum and the respective Board of Studies (BOS) revises it. The recommendations of the BOS are placed before the Academic Council for its approval and implementation.

Our Admission Process and our Academic Programs

DYPU is currently offering 75 programs in Health and Allied sciences, Business management, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Hospitality &Tourism Studies.
The cumulative enrollment in the university stands at 8193.The total number of faculty stands at 955 and are supported by 1781 administrative, technical and paramedical staff DYPU has a vibrant student community of 5225 Undergraduates, 1094 postgraduates and 148 doctoral students. Admissions are based on the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). Admission to MBA and Hospitality and Tourism program through the DYPU Entrance Test. The demand for all the programs is encouraging and the diversity of the programs attract students from across the globe. With a faculty strength of 585, DYPU enjoys a healthy student-faculty ratio of 9:1 82% of teachers have PhD or an equivalent qualification with an average teaching experience of 11.4 years.
The university nurtures its student community and assists in the tapping of their complete potential. Learning levels of students are assessed during the first semester/term of the program to identify students requiring additional assistance. Support is provided to such students through mentorship, additional classes, and supplementary learning materials, remedial programs along with betterment tests. Advanced learners are offered enrichment opportunities in research, academic competitions and peer mentorship roles to help them realize their full potential.
All Schools offer programs in employability, skill development, soft skills, language and communication skills and value education. personality and professional development, emotional well-being. Guidance for competitive examinations and career advancement are offered through in-house resources and in partnership with external agencies. Mechanisms for redressal of student grievances are in place.

Our Pedagogical Inputs

The primary thrust of DYPU is on areas of pedagogical importance like the effective delivery of the curriculum through methods conducive to active learning and ‘Learning by doing’.
Learner-centric, innovative methods are practiced at all Schools. These include patient-centric, evidence-based, community-based experiential learning, simulation method, role- reversal case-study method, integrated teaching-learning programs and peer-assisted learning. State-of-the-art clinical skills in the simulation laboratory is established with high fidelity patient simulators with trainers. A full-time faculty coordinator oversees structured training for Medical, Dental, Ayurveda and Nursing students.
Additionally, audio-video resources, Virtual classrooms hosting national and international subject experts through webinars and e-content development, makes teaching learning interactive and participatory. Learning Management System (LMS)for development and delivery of e-learning resources is installed in all the schools. Also, Interactive Display boards and Lecture Capture Systems are available in class rooms. Entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled with broadband internet access.
For medical students, the university has actively pursued the system of providing them with early clinical exposure that gives them a head start in acquiring the necessary diagnostic acumen.
Additionally, DYPU constantly and consistently endeavors to upgrade existing skills, knowledge and explore emerging areas and subjects in the domain of health care.
A part of the growth strategy the university has adopted, is to promote inter- disciplinary and multi -disciplinary studies, especially involving technology, that transcends narrow boundaries imposed by conventional courses.
A case in point is the Medical Simulation Lab and Simulation Skills Centre mentioned earlier.
This fits in appropriately with the education and health policies being promoted at the national level. DYPU is uniquely positioned to shape medical education with the Interprofessional Education (IPE) movement with its emphasis on emerging trends and upgradation of skills in health care, converging with fast paced growth seen in science and technology.

The Examination system at the university

The examination section is fully automated. Right from the process of registration for the examination, to the generation of marks cards, all are computerized. Digitization of manuscripts for on-screen evaluation are in place. External examiners are appointed for setting of theory papers and practical examinations. Results are announced within 15 days from the concluding day of the examination. The rate of success of the graduates have been consistently above 90% for the past five years. Analysis of course and program outcomes and attainment is undertaken through result analysis and mapping.

Research and Development

Research and development are the life blood of any thriving university and it remains so for our university as well.
DYPU has a structured a research grants committee to facilitate and promote research. A full -time director of research and development and the Research committee is responsible for approval of synopsis, appointment of referees, sanction of grants, organizing research conferences and seminars. collaborates with Universities from the US, the UK and Thailand and with Pharmaceuticals Companies, Research Institutions, Manufacturing, and Hospitality sectors nationally.
Faculty have received funding of INR 193.02 lakhs for external research from governmental agencies. INR of 404.2483 lakhs was received from non-government sources for research projects/clinical trials during the last five years.
Consultancy activities generated a revenue of INR 452.59 lakhs during the last five years. A total of 271 papers were published in UGC approved journals.
307 papers were published in the Web of Science. 269 papers were published in PubMed. Thus, the total publications for the past five years, stand at 2036.
The total citation count for the papers in Scopus is 12318. The H-index for DYPU stands at 42 in Scopus.
True to its vision and mission, DYPU accords due recognition to its research achievers by honouring them with awards and commendations.
Research policies are framed to promote the responsible conduct of research, to take into account the intellectual property rights and sharing of consultancy revenue and these policies are implemented with commitment to research. A total of 101 seed money grants amounting to 876.5735 lakh have been sanctioned in the past five years. Meritorious PhD scholars have received fellowships.

Our University and the Community

DYPU is recognized by World Health Organization as a Nodal Centre for Typhoid Vaccine in India, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, National Aids Control Organization. It is also part of the Revised National Tuberculosis control program. It is designated as a nodal Immunization Centre by Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, and also is a nodal centre for Asthma. The Dental hospital is associated with adverse drug reaction Monitoring Centre (AMC) under Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission.
Reflecting the values of our founder and philanthropist, Dr D Y Patil and our current chancellor, Dr Vijay D Patil, scholarships are provided to deserving students, who otherwise might have never received an opportunity to pursue medicine or any other course of study. This also synchronizes with DYPU’s objective of promoting quality education and making it accessible to the needy and deserving.
In the last five years, 7295 students have benefitted from these scholarships. Overall, 21 % students benefitted by scholarships/fee waivers from one or the other source in the university.
Co-curricular activities and all round development of the students:
All schools of the university have a students’ council that is constituted every year. The activities of the councils include organizing literary and cultural festivals, sports event, and publishing a college magazine. Intra-college literary, arts, cultural, and sports competitions are also conducted. There is a sports meet conducted at the university level known as “OLYMPIA”. Students of DYPU actively participate in these events.

Our Placements

In last 5 years self employed are 1100, Students opting for higher education 383 and 103 Students have qualified competitive exams.

Our Alumni

DYPU Alumni Association is registered and has contributed substantially in the form of endowments, donations, awards and participation in academic activities. Two University gold medals are instituted through Alumni endowments. Two alumni are also Member of Parliaments.