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Ramrao Adik Education Society (RAES) was established in 1983 and registered under the Society Act. Act in 1985 with the charity commissioner, Pune vide letter number F-3002/23/11/1984, Pune.

RAES comprises of President, Vice President, Secretary, Director and Trustees. It serves as a patron and promoter of Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, which is the foremost among all the educational institutions founded by Dr D Y Patil, the philanthropist and educationist who brought quality education in the nation, especially in Maharashtra.

The society and the institute were formed with generous assistance rendered by Shri Ramrao Adik, and thus was named after him. He had served the people of Maharashtra, in various capacities. The RAES was established with a vision to propagate professional education especially in the field of technology, at a time when most of the Engineering colleges were run by the Government and there was a need to create more institutes catering to the growing demand for newer branches, namely Computer and Electronics. RAES under the visionary guidance of the management has continued to run the institute, RAIT and established more branches at regular intervals over a period of thirty years.

Some of the objectives of RAES pertaining to RAIT are as follows:

1) To promote better understanding and appreciation of the technique of teaching Practice.
2) To provide facilities to interchange of ideas in the field of Healthcare, Management and Technology.
3) To foster and to assist education and research in Healthcare, Management and Technology.
4) To maintain the teaching practice at the requisite professional level by setting standards of qualifications and assisting in the identification of qualified professionals.
5) To formulate and sustain a code of Professional ethics amongst professionals.
6) To provide for institutions and research in such branches of healthcare and Technology, applied sciences and applied arts as the society may think fit and for advancement of learning and dissemination of knowledge in such branches.
7) To hold examinations and grant academic awards and distinction or titles to persons, which are not in conflict in territorial area of other statutory bodies.

RAIT has continued to flourish through the active support of Ramrao Adik Education Society, which is the first symbol of the vision of our founder who established the prestigious D Y Patil University.