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Vision , Mission , Goals & Objectives


  • A gender-neutral environment that facilitates independence, safety, well-being and dignity of womenfolk; empowering them with rights and equitable opportunities ensuring enrichment of their future.


  • D Y Patil Deemed to be University, is accountable for awareness of gender sensitization, women’s rights and promoting general wellbeing of students, teaching staff, support staff, contractual and daily wages employees of D Y Patil Deemed to be University.
  • D Y Patil Deemed to be University is liable to create a dignified and inclusive environment for all genders in and around the ambit of D Y Patil Deemed to be University and equip them in controlling their personal and professional lives.
  • D Y Patil Deemed to be University will continue to strive in creating equitable opportunities to empower women to attain their full potential, enriching organisational and social life in the process which have mutual benefits to the genders and society.

Goals & Objectives

  • Providing high quality multidisciplinary graduates and motivated to serve humanity at large.
  • Producing research papers in all fields, worthy of being published by National & International Journals.
  • Providing all facilities for the pursuit of multidisciplinary knowledge, relevant to the needs of contemporary society.
  • Implementing public services beneficial to and relevant with the needs of the community at large, national and international.
  • To create and develop a congenial environment for women employees (including teaching, support staff, and contractual as well as daily wages employees) and students (rural, urban, specially-abled, underprivileged, marginalised), allowing them to reach their full potential.
  • To undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women’s rights and women empowerment in D Y Patil Deemed to be University campuses and colleges.
  • To sensitize the students towards the special needs of all genders
  • To develop equitable opportunities for the educational avenues for women.
  • To build a gender sensitive and inclusive campus.
  • To address concerns of gender discrimination and recommend measures and policies for gender parity at the D Y Patil Deemed to be University.
  • To prevent sexual harassment at workplace (colleges and D Y Patil Deemed to be University campuses)
  • To undertake surveys or action research projects, if necessary, pertaining to women (rural, urban, specially-abled, underprivileged, marginalised) in the society.
  • To conduct gender audit / safety audit on regular basis