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Vision , Mission , Goals & Objectives


  • D Y Patil Deemed to be University aspires to be a premier, globally recognized institution of higher learning. The University is committed to the promotion of education, research and extension work, combining academic excellence with access, equity and social justice.


  • The Mission of D Y Patil Deemed to be University is to be a global, socially conscious Center of Excellence in the conservation, creation, Advancement and dissemination of knowledge, equipped to take up challenges of the enormous change taking place all around and committed to empower its faculty and students to contribute meaningfully to economic, technological and social development and progress.

Goals & Objectives

  • The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the University and it aims at the maintenance of standards of instruction, education and examination within the University. It has the right to advise the various Academic Schools on all academic matters.The Academic Council’s main objective is to lay down, regulate, and maintain the standards of teaching, research, extension and examinations in the University. The Academic Council shall be responsible for lying down the academic policies in regard to maintenance and improvement of standards of teaching, research, extension collaboration programmes in academic matters and evaluation of work-load of the teachers.