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Tenure , Powers & Limitations


  • All the members of the Board of Management, other than the ex-officio members and teachers, shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of first appointment and shall be eligible for reappointment.
  • Members of the Board of Management appointed from among teachers shall hold office for a period of two years or until they cease to be teachers of the Institution Deemed to be University, whichever is earlier.

Powers and limitations

  • The Board of Management shall be the principal organ of management and the apex executive body of the Institution Deemed to be University, with powers to make rules, regulations and bye-laws of the Deemed University.
  • The Board of Management shall be the final decision making body of the Institution in respect of every matter of the Institution Deemed to be University, including in the academic, administrative, personnel, financial, developmental matters.
  • The Board of Management shall not infringe upon the powers of the respective authorities provided under these Regulations and where any authority has been given advisory/recommendatory powers, the Board of Management shall obtain advice/recommendations from such authority, before deciding on any matter before it.